People LISTEN there's a major PSYOP happening right now!Regardless if you think it's rigged or not, please do NOT pay attention to the useful 'Q'IDIOTS telling you not to vote, it's a MAJOR Psyop underway. You are being played, the evidence is staring you in face, like last election you were told to vote independents, how did that work out?PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SPREAD AWARENESS VOTE NO & MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT Don't be a useful 'Q'IDIOTRemember NOT voting is a Yes Vote
Regardless if you think it's rigged or not, please do NOT pay attention to the useful 'Q'IDIOTS telling you not to vote, it's a MAJOR Psyop underway. You are being played, the evidence is staring you in face, like last election you were told to vote independents, how did that work out?PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SPREAD AWARENESS VOTE NO & MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT Don't be a useful 'Q'IDIOTRemember NOT voting is a Yes Vote