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Not all “fossil fuels” are from fossils, so where do they come from?

Nearly everyone thinks that “fossil fuels” come from fossils or ancient organic material forests, jungles, plankton or dinosaurs held under the ground for millennia that transform into oil, gas and coal.

But, if hydrocarbons, or “fossil fuels,” are made from fossils, why are they found deep under the oceans and at the top of the Earth?  Or why does one of Saturn’s moons have more natural oil and gas than on Earth?

So, if all hydrocarbons are not from fossils where do they come from? And what does it tell us about climate change policies being proposed and implemented?

These questions are central to proposals for the future of energy usage in the world.  To provide some answers, Dr. Willie Soon joined Tucker Carlson to discuss fossil fuels in space, the false climate change narrative, global warming throughout history, forces that are ruining science and evidence that God exists.

Dr. Willie Soon is an American astrophysicist and geoscientist.  He is a co-team leader at CERES Science and is a leading authority on the relationship between solar phenomena and global climate.  For more than 32 years he has been studying the Sun-Earth relations in terms of not only meteorology and climate but also in terms of orbital dynamics of Sun-Earth-other planets interactions, magmatic (volcanoes) and tectonic (earthquakes) activities.

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Dr. Soon explained that a lot of what we’ve been told about energy and climate is false. “I would [say] about 80 to 90% of the papers published in so-called ‘climate science’ today should not be published,” he said.

At the end of the interview, he briefly spoke about examples of the evidence of God he sees in the field of mathematics.

For the sake of brevity, we have limited our article to the first part of the discussion which was about how hydrocarbons are produced.  You can watch the full interview below. For Dr. Soon’s commentary on the interview, which provides links to relevant science papers and a pdf of background material, follow THIS link.

Tucker Carlson: Episode 62 | Dr. Willie Soon -Truth About Fossil Fuels, 11 January 2024 (49 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on The Tucker Carlson Encounter HERE and YouTube HERE.

We should not to assume all of the hydrocarbons on Earth are “fossil fuels.”

There are two basic theories for the origin of crude oil: biotic and abiotic.

The biotic theory is that oil and gas drilled out of the earth come from the remains of plants and animals trapped underground millions of years ago.  These “fossil fuels” took aeons to form and we are using them up far faster than they can be replenished.

The abiotic theory is an opposing view that has substantial evidence to back it up.  As we noted in a previous article, this theory goes back centuries and includes as one of its prominent champions Dimitri Mendeleev, best known for inventing the periodic table.

As with all theories, it is never as clear-cut as either one or the other.  While Dr. Soon agrees that hydrocarbons are formed from fossils, he says that there is considerable evidence that this is not the only way that hydrocarbons can be produced.

As Dr. Soon noted, we do not yet know what percentage of the Earth’s hydrocarbons were formed from biological fossils and what percentage were formed from non-biological (abiogenic) processes.

This does not necessarily mean that our accessible hydrocarbon reserves are limitless. But on the other hand, the widespread debates over “limited resources” and “renewable energies” are often unscientific and unrealistic.

On Titan, the largest moon for Saturn, where the temperatures are -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-179 degrees Celsius), the NASA European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency found an ocean of methane in liquid form.

Methane is a hydrocarbon that is a primary component of natural gas.  Climate alarmists label it as a “powerful greenhouse gas.”

As Dr. Soon asked: With Titan’s temperature being -290oF while having an ocean of “powerful greenhouse gas,” where is the global warming?

There are no fossils found on Titan. The ocean of methane found on Titan proves beyond doubt that the abiogenic theory is true, Dr. Soon said.  As additional proof, Dr. Soon described an experiment conducted in 2009 in Sweden.  It demonstrated that if methane (“CH4”) is subjected to high pressures and temperatures to simulate the conditions of the Earth’s mantle, complex hydrocarbons can be formed, such as benzene and ethane.

Titan is not the only planet on which hydrocarbons have been found.  For example, methane has been found in Jupiter’s atmosphere and benzene has been found in the rocks on Mars.  Complex hydrocarbons called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been found in interstellar space and intergalactic space. “It’s everywhere,” Dr. Soon said.

The narrative that so-called “fossil fuels” for which their existence is limited by the amount of fossils, or by the amount of decaying organic material, is not true, he said.

So why do people believe that hydrocarbons are a limited supply of “fossil fuels”?

“The world is full of untruths and half-truths,” Dr. Soon said. “We are not limited and bounded by availability of, let’s say, gasoline, petroleum or coal.”

At COP28 in Dubai, “they just declared that we should stop using fossil fuel, basically petroleum natural gas and even coal,” Dr. Soon said. “I mean these people are insane now, really insane. I think they’re going to harm [many] people with their [self] delusion.”

“It’s always about this minority, the tyranny of the few, always robbing the whole senses, the good senses of the good people.”

Further reading:


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