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Misleading Millions: The American Cancer Society’s Flawed Mammogram Report Exposed

The American Cancer Society's rosy breast cancer statistics mask a deadly reality: mammograms may be doing more harm than good.

Covering Up The Causes of Breast Cancer Since 1985: AstraZeneca's BCAM

Did you know that AstraZeneca, manufacturer of two blockbuster breast cancer drugs (one of which is classified as a known human carcinogen), was the originator of Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Watercress Turns Off Breast Cancer Cell Growth

Long associated with tea sandwiches and white gloves, watercress contains a powerful plant compound that may help fight breast cancer.

Mammography False-Positives Result in 84% Higher Rate of Breast Cancer Death, JAMA Oncology Reveals

A new study published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammograms -- a common cause of false-positive breast cancer diagnoses -- result in a much higher rate of breast cancer deaths (84% higher over a 20-year surveillance period) than those who are not diagnosed with cancer mistakenly. 

The Dark Side of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Things are not what they seem. Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is as much about covering up the known causes of breast cancer as finding effective cures. For over two decades, Sayer Ji has been shedding light on the problems with the "cause marketing" campaign known as BCAM, as well as the real solutions for supporting women's health through natural and/or integrative approaches focused on root cause resolution of the underlying imbalances that create disease.


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