Let's shine some light -and classified documentation- on the until now unknown CIA Project IonGate. It is their latest attempt to advance their mind control program, and has been decades in the making.
Project IonGate, as it has recently been dubbed, is a highly secretive project involving an overlap between two CIA programs. The "smart dust" program (recently relabled "adaptive particulate transponders") and their long range magnetic wave program which currently has no official working title but is centrally located at their Langley site.
Project IonGate seeks to use targeted long-range magnetic waves to control micro-transmitters embedded in people from incredible distances in order to stimulate specific areas of their brain (ie. modern mind control).
While this may sound like the stuff of science fiction horror stories, these programs have been openly developed for years. This, however, will be the first time clandestine CIA research detailing it has escaped them.