The rape and pillage of what's left of a country's resources and assets.
The Trump administration wants Ukraine to give it access to half of all its natural resources without giving anything in return. This is only intended to guarantee the repayment of previous US aid. Kiev is resisting, but has no chance.
It is nothing new that the USA does not help anyone out of pure charity or even because of any kind of “values”. The USA always makes a clear cost-benefit analysis and only takes action when it believes it will be profitable.
This also applies to Ukraine, because the Biden administration would also have presented Ukraine with the bill for US aid at some point. It would not have done it with a sledgehammer like Trump, but as I showed in my book ” The Ukraine Cartel ,” the Biden clan and its entourage had massive financial interests in Ukraine and they would of course have kept themselves safe, but would have concealed it better.
Trump chose the sledgehammer method and sent his finance minister to Kyiv last Wednesday, where he presented Zelensky with a document that Zelensky was supposed to sign. In it, Ukraine was supposed to transfer half of all its natural resources to the USA. But not only that, the USA also wants half of all revenues from infrastructure such as ports, airports and other things for itself.
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