Every action, every decision, every movement is a test in the dojo of the Waters of Life.
We test our awareness, our minds and our skills in each decision. This is the Way of Life for all life. We constantly test, ourselves, and each other.
Qualia, as we have been saying, are difficult to describe. It is the very act of recognizing a qualia that ‘creates’ it in our awareness. It exists, the Ontology put it out there, but if you don’t perceive it, does it exist?
In that sense, no. The point of qualia are to provide us guidance on our Life’s choices. Universe provides and guides. The qualia are both the provision, and the guidance.
But only if you can recognize a qualia in your life can it become guidance. Just the way this goofy Matterium works. We must see them before we can SEE them, but until we do SEE them we will not recognize that we are seeing. Make sense? If not, don’t worry, this whole place is like that, a bit confusing.
Qualia are no different. They are a manifestation into the event-stream that you are intended to recognize. Qualia are just quite a bit more subtle than most other manifestations in your body’s Life.
It is the subtle nature of qualia that makes them quite invisible to most people, and easily denied by those who do not see them.
It is also their subtlety that both demand testing, and make that difficult.
Qualia are intended to precipitate Change, at some level, within the observer who does SEE them. In that sense they are dynamic. They also tend to ‘dissolve’ in your awareness once that effect of your change has manifested.
Consider a very crude example. You come out of a store, where you had been in line to get a drink, and had been reading your X app while waiting. On that screen in that instant just before it was time for you to pay, you read an article about what an evil fucker is Bill Gates. You say to yourself and no one in particular, “What a shit head!”. Then you pay, and leave to go to the corner to cross the street to your vehicle, and as you pass that last car in the line in front of the store, a big glob of seagull shit hits that car hood. It splatters, and for one brief instant your mind seizes an image of Bill Gates face out of the shit mess. You are astonished. Your mind lights up with humor. It’s fucking funny. It looks JUST like Bill Gates sculpted in bird shit on that hood. You stop to appreciate this moment. You smile, and chuckle.
At that exact instant, a truck and a car collide in the intersection, whirling around in spinning chaos that totally destroys your car across the street. It’s absolutely smooshed under the truck and the tons of soda it was carrying.
If you had not stopped to wonder at the shit painting of Billy, your blood would be mixing with the drinks on the asphalt.
Now, that’s one hell of a qualia!
But will you recognize it? Probably not. The shock, noise, the rushing motions, the destruction will likely drive it from your mind. Then, maybe hours later, it will smackeral you across your face like you had been hit with a cold wet fish tail.
That bird shit saved your LIFE!
That experience in the moment of it, changed you, and ‘saved’ your body’s Life. It can also have changed you for all the rest of the days in that body’s Life IF you recognize that the Ontology provided, and guided you. IF you can SEE it, perceive it, the qualia exists.
It did its job in precipitating the change in you that the Ontology desired, in that moment, but was there more to it than that? Is there more meaning to be extracted from that instant in our Eternal Now? Are there more, similar examples occurring in your body’s Life? Is it constant?
This is where testing arises.
Once you discover the messages from Universe, the Ontology, hidden in the bird shit, you will start looking for more. It’s a natural thing for the human mind. Was that a one-off? Was it just for that one, extreme moment? Or are there others?
Once you SEE, you can never not see.
So you start seeing the qualia. They are everywhere. Constantly filling your body’s Life.
Constantly pinging on your awareness.
And, they are not all made of bird shit.
Soon you see them in the arrangements of the branches of trees within your view that are strangely persistent. Then you see them in the patterns of the water flowing down the window in the rain.
Qualia are everywhere. But how to determine if they are real? Meant for you, or just your mind going batshit crazy?
This is where the testing arises. If the qualia are meaningful, and not a figment of the fantasy that our minds too too easily generate, the qualia will have aspects that will affect your decisions.
So we harmonize with the qualia to test them. If they are meaningful for you, then your harmony with them will prove the case.
One way to test is to recognize qualia, but then ignore them. If you had ignored the bird shit message, you would be dead. They would be washing your body’s blood off the street. That would certainly prove it was a qualia, as it did intrude on your consciousness, and you CHOSE to not let it affect your predetermined path.
Every qualia is provided as guidance to aid your choices. To change and move your Life in some manner, small or large. Every qualia is experienced as a sudden ‘awakening’ of your awareness into that instant of this Eternal Now such that your mind, and awareness become in harmony with the emerging event-stream of which you are a part.
This make sense? The Ontology can be brutal, and show you a big bird shit example but more usually it moves Life in a more subtle way, by placing qualia as though small stones within a river to slightly deflect the flow of the Water of Life.
The other way to test your perception of the endless stream of qualia experiences is to use mindfulness and to actively try to harmonize with what your mind provides as interpretation from the perception of that qualia.
Do not worry. You WILL fuck it up.
Seeing, and Harmony are difficult. Once we See, our minds will be flooded with Sight, and then we use Harmony to discern meaning. If it’s to be understood by our minds, we will understand it so we don’t drive ourselves crazy spinning down into a spiral of questing on each and every perception of a qualia experience.
If we harmonize with the guidance of the qualia, our lives will be easier, more dynamic, less resistance, and ‘better’. If not, well, maybe we become bloody spots on the road.
Eventually, you will learn to go with the flow of the Waters of Life, and to See when there is meaning to be recognized in that moment of this never ending event-stream we call Life.
It will never be easy for us. We will always not recognize, or misunderstand qualia. It’s the way of Life, here in this Matterium.
Harmony is a skill to be learned in the dojo of the Waters of Life. It’s a test. All of Life is a test.