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  • For 50 Years Regulators Ignored Report Linking Wireless Radiation to 23 Chronic Diseases The authors of a new report, posted Feb. 6, discuss how the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute in 1971 issued a report that reviewed 2,311 scientific studies on the biological and health effects of EMR. They concluded the U.S. government has failed to protect the public from known harms. The U.S. government has known for over 50 years that wireless radiation is linked to 23 chronic diseases but has failed to protect the public from chronic wireless radiation exposure, according to the authors of a new report . Richard Lear and Camilla Rees posted their report on Feb. 6 as a preprint on ResearchGate. Lear and Rees are business executives and long-time health and environmental researchers. The report, which Rees called a “discussion and commentary” on published science related to wireless radiation’s biological impacts, is geared toward an everyday audience. It is not intended for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal. Lear and Rees posted the report on ResearchGate to make it accessible to the public. On Feb. 14, Rees shared the paper with attendees of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine ’s annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, according to a press release . Miriam Eckenfels, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless called the report an “easy-to-understand distillation of pertinent scientific findings that gives the public a sense of how regulatory agencies ignored earlier science and why agencies need to take protective action now.” In the report, Lear and Rees discuss how the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute in 1971 issued a report that reviewed 2,311 scientific studies on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Most of the studies examined by the Navy involved low-intensity EMR signals in the 1 to 4 gigahertz (GHz) range, said Lear and Rees. “These types of wireless exposures are virtually identical with those from modern devices and wireless sources such as cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, smart meters , GPS, wearables, and wireless infrastructure.” The Navy’s review found 132 different biological effects, symptoms and diseases linked to wireless exposures . According to Lear and Rees, 23 of those are among the fastest-growing chronic diseases and conditions in the U.S. today, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, anxiety, asthma, autism, chronic fatigue, diabetes, leukemia, autoimmune disease and celiac disease. In 2016, Lear examined the growth of chronic disease from 1990 to 2015 and the related economic costs of those diseases. His research found that 36 chronic diseases and conditions doubled from 1990 to 2015. “Of the 36 chronic diseases and conditions that more than doubled (1990-2015), the U.S. Navy study warned us of the connection between wireless radiation and twenty-three of those chronic diseases, predicting what has indeed happened to the health of Americans,” the authors of the report wrote. They added: “By ignoring the earlier science, U.S. regulators failed to protect the American people from the dangers of wireless technologies. In doing so, they imposed millions of unnecessary chronic exposure conditions on the American public.” Rees told The Defender she hopes U.S. regulators finally take action. “Pressure is needed from all directions to encourage federal regulatory agencies to do their jobs, and to hold these agencies accountable.” The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has not updated its exposure limits for wireless radiation since 1996. In 2021, CHD and other groups won a lawsuit challenging the FCC ’s exposure limits. The groups filed 11,000 pages of evidence of harm from 5G and wireless technology, which they alleged the FCC ignored when it decided to keep its 1996 guidelines. The pages included evidence of widespread sickness due to wireless radiation exposure. The FCC has yet to comply with a court-ordered mandate to explain how the agency determined that its current guidelines adequately protect humans and the environment against the harmful effects of exposure to wireless radiation. Lear and Rees plan to send hard copies of their report to all U.S. Congress members and at least 1,000 U.S. business leaders. “We want this information to get to people who are courageous enough to make a difference, including government leaders, business leaders, religious leaders and media,” Rees said. Business leaders need to understand the connection between wireless exposures and their employees’ mood, health and therefore productivity, she said. Rees is a senior policy adviser for the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy and founder of Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications . According to the report: “By 2015, the 23 diseases the U.S. Navy predicted may have added more than $2 trillion in annual health care costs to the U.S. economy due to their negligence.” The authors acknowledged that other factors have likely contributed to the current U.S. chronic disease crisis, such as sugar consumption, glyphosate and other pesticide exposures. ‘We’ve been misled about the benefits of wireless’ In the report, Lear and Rees also cite other scientific reports that have shown a link between wireless radiation and negative health impacts , including the BioInitiative 2012 Report . The BioInitiative Report, updated in 2017, cites more than 2,200 scientific studies that link low-level EMR exposure to dozens of diseases and biological effects, including neurological effects, brain cancer, fetal effects, blood-brain barrier damage, DNA damage, breast cancer, biochemical imbalances, leukemia, decreased fertility and oxidative stress. The report also discusses studies that suggested a possible biological mechanism for explaining how wireless radiation is linked to chronic disease. Rees said, “We have been misled about the relative benefits of wireless.” Wired connections are far superior to wireless for numerous reasons, including connection speed, according to a 2018 National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy report . “It is faster, far more energy efficient, higher audio quality, more reliable, more resilient in weather events, more secure, and more enduring, meaning that it is not subject to the costs of planned obsolescence like wireless technologies,” Rees said. She added: “We need to start taking responsibility ourselves, and minimize our personal wireless exposure while supporting efforts, such as CHD’s new ‘ 704 No More ’ initiative, to restore local control over cell towers and antennas.” The 704 No More initiative is raising money to legally challenge Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which prohibits local authorities from denying cell tower applications based on health and environmental effects. Related articles in The Defender New Report Contradicts Telecom Industry Claim That Wireless Radiation Is Safe Wireless Radiation Sickness Gets a New Name: ‘EMR Syndrome’ FCC Limits for Wireless Radiation Exposure Decades Out of Date, Experts Say

  • More from the Businessman on how to get peace!

    TRUMP: “We're not going to have to buy, we're going to have Gaza. We don't have to buy — there's nothing to buy — we will have Gaza.” What does that even mean? How can one just say “your country is mine now and you have no say?”

  • Here's the Businessman's business model to end the war in Ukraine and MAGA (Zionism). The rape and pillage of what's left of a country's resources and assets. The Trump administration wants Ukraine to give it access to half of all its natural resources without giving anything in return. This is only intended to guarantee the repayment of previous US aid. Kiev is resisting, but has no chance. It is nothing new that the USA does not help anyone out of pure charity or even because of any kind of “values”. The USA always makes a clear cost-benefit analysis and only takes action when it believes it will be profitable. This also applies to Ukraine, because the Biden administration would also have presented Ukraine with the bill for US aid at some point. It would not have done it with a sledgehammer like Trump, but as I showed in my book ” The Ukraine Cartel ,” the Biden clan and its entourage had massive financial interests in Ukraine and they would of course have kept themselves safe, but would have concealed it better. Trump chose the sledgehammer method and sent his finance minister to Kyiv last Wednesday, where he presented Zelensky with a document that Zelensky was supposed to sign. In it, Ukraine was supposed to transfer half of all its natural resources to the USA. But not only that, the USA also wants half of all revenues from infrastructure such as ports, airports and other things for itself. Continue reading HERE

  • The absolute state of Germany

    ...and it's coming to a place near you soon!

  • Genetically modified microorganisms found in hundreds of foodstuffs on supermarket shelves carry potential health risks Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights that genetically modified microorganisms (“GMMs”) are widely used in food production, including in everyday products such as bread, meat, dairy and beverages, due to their ability to accelerate fermentation processes. Research has found that GMM contamination is present in virtually all products produced via batch fermentation using genetically modified microorganisms, posing potential public health risks due to the presence of antibiotic-resistant genes and other concerns. How have they got away with this without a public outcry? The use of GMMs in food production is largely unregulated and unlabelled, with many products containing genetically engineered enzymes, additives and other ingredients that are not identified on labels. Major Health Alert: the Extraordinary Genetically Modified Invasion of Our Supermarkets by Stealth By Dr. Guy Hatchard Many of you have written and asked about the current prevalence of genetically modified foods and the potential health risks. An up-to-date answer to this question comes as a huge surprise even to the team at the Hatchard Report . Today’s article lists the affected products and discusses the history and industry pressure that created a regulatory framework lax enough to allow the genetic engineering of the preparation and content of most supermarket foods. Food processing aids, enzymes, additives, flavours and colours were originally derived from natural plant and animal sources, With the rise of mass production in the food industry these were required in greater quantities to ensure that industrial-scale fast continuous processes turned out products of uniform appearance, taste and consistency. As a result, food industry chemists invented batch fermentation techniques whereby naturally occurring bacterial strains such as lactic acid bacteria (“LAB”) facilitated the necessary cell replication and proliferation at a mass scale. More recently batch fermentation has become dominated by genetically modified microorganisms (“GMMs”).  These GMMs are designed to tailor and accelerate the fermentation processes. A 2023 paper entitled ‘ Bioengineered Enzymes and Precision Fermentation in the Food Industry ’ reports: Enzymes have been used in the food processing industry for many years. However, the use of native [naturally occurring] enzymes is not conducive to high activity, efficiency, range of substrates and adaptability to harsh food processing conditions. The advent of enzyme engineering approaches such as rational design, directed evolution and semi-rational design provided much-needed impetus for tailor-made enzymes with improved or novel catalytic properties. Production of designer enzymes became further refined with the emergence of synthetic biology and gene editing techniques and a plethora of other tools such as artificial intelligence, and computational and bioinformatics analyses which have paved the way for what is referred to as precision fermentation for the production of these designer enzymes more efficiently. Ostensibly, these genetically modified processes are supposed to be more efficient and produce purer products however these routinely differ in critical ways from their natural counterparts. As a result, the food industry pushed very hard for the GMM processes to be unregulated and unidentified on food content labels. For example, a 2022 article entitled ‘ Recombinant DNA in fermentation products is of no regulatory relevance ’ deceptively suggested that fermentation products produced via GMM techniques are “more sustainable.” It stated: “There is no meaningful rationale for using recombinant DNA for regulatory classification of fermentation products.” It argued that too much regulation would de-incentivise innovation in industrial biotechnology, and introduced instead a concept called “proportionate regulation,” which amounts to little if any regulation. In the end, their view has prevailed around the world. The role of GMMs in food production has escaped identification on labels.  The Scope of the Revolution in GM Food Production Beggars Belief   The list of everyday products now produced with the aid of genetically modified microorganisms is seemingly endless and includes the following. Amylases:  which catalyse the hydrolysis of starch into sugars, aimed at improving the quality and shelf life of bread and other baked goods. Proteases:  which hydrolyse proteins, used in meat tenderisers, infant formula, and to improve the flavour of milk and cheese. Pectinases:  which hydrolyse pectin, used in juice clarification and fruit pulp treatment. Transglutaminases:  Cross-link proteins, which are used in meat and fish. Galactosidase:  Reduces viscosity in grain legumes and lupins, which are used in animal feed. Glucanase:  Reduces viscosity in oats and barley, which are used in animal feed. Invertase:  Hydrolyses sucrose to produce invert sugar syrup which is used in baked goods, candies (including chocolates, truffles, toffees, marshmallows, taffies, and caramels), sweetened beverages (including soft drinks, iced tea, etc.), frozen treats (including ice cream and sorbets), beer and commercial kombucha. Lactase:  Hydrolyses lactose and whey to develop products free from lactose for lactose-intolerant people. It is also used to produce frozen yoghurt. Lactic Acid:  Used in the production of cultured butter. Lipase:  Supports lipid digestion in young animals and is used in cheese flavouring and dough conditioning. Citric Acid:  Used in stock cubes, commercial citric juices, jams, preserves, canned tomatoes, wine, ice cream, sorbets. Xanthan Gum:  A stabiliser and thickener which is used infruit juices, salad dressings, sauces, gravies, gluten-free products, low-fat foods and vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free processed products. Amino Acids:  The human body needs 20 amino acids to function properly. Synthetically produced copies are added as flavour enhancers. Monosodium Glutamate MSG:  A flavour enhancer commonly used in Chinese and Asian foods. Also used in instant noodles, potato chips, hot dogs, lunch meats, pepperoni, bacon, pastrami, sausages, salami, chicken, beef, salmon, mackerel, scallops, crab, shrimp, canned tuna, frozen pizzas, crackers, deli meats, etc. Aspartame:  Artificial sweetener used in diet drinks and other products labelled as sugar-free. Vegetarian Rennet:  Produced by Pfizer and others, used to make 75% of cheeseworldwide. Vitamins:  Like riboflavin (B2) added to flour and a great many other vitamins which are used in a very wide range of foods including milk alternatives like almond milk, etc. Beta-carotene:  Just one of the many engineered colours now used in a huge range of foods including margarine, cheese, fruit juices, baked goods and dairy products. Also used to enhance the colour of processed meats like bacon, spam, corned beef and sausages, vegetarian meat substitutes, pet food and tomato ketchup. Vanillin:  A synthetic vanilla flavour used inice cream, baked goods, chocolate, aromatherapy, coffee, alcoholic beverages and perfumes often falsely identified as “natural” on the labels. I’m going to stop there and take a deep breath. The full list would run to thousands of products. Virtually all of the above are produced overseas and imported into NZ where they are widely used in food production. What can you say? All of them are processed foods, but many of them are found in the cupboards of even the most ardent natural food advocates. Is this a done deal with no turning back? Even the organic industry has accepted that additives produced using GMMs can be used in organic products as long as no GMMs are present, but the industry doesn’t have the resources to test compliance.  Universal Genetic Contamination Ignored By Lax Regulatory Authorities A paper published in 2021 entitled ‘ GEMs: genetically engineered microorganisms and the regulatory oversight of their uses in modern food production ’ lays out the regulatory framework (or lack of it) very clearly. Foods produced via processes using genetically engineered microorganisms do not need to be labelled as GMOs. They fall under the ‘Generally Recognised As Safe’ (“GRAS”) categories. It has been presumed by regulators that the genetically modified microorganisms used during batch fermentation will not be present in the final products. However, the latest research shows this to be a false assumption. Recent research has found that residual GMM contamination is present in virtually all products produced via batch fermentation using genetically modified microorganisms. A study published in 2025 in the journal  Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences  is entitled ‘ Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products ’ reports on a well-hidden and seldom-mentioned dirty secret – namely genetic contamination, saying:  Genetically modified microorganisms (GMM) are frequently employed for the production of microbial fermentation products such as food enzymes. Although presence of the GMM or its recombinant DNA in the final product is not authorised, contaminations occur frequently. It found GMM contamination in all 16 biosynthesised food enzymes it examined including the very concerning presence of antibiotic-resistant genes, thus highlighting possible public health risks of biosynthesis. The GMMs used in batch fermentation are catalytic bacterial engines specifically designed to accelerate and maximise cell proliferation. Their presence equates to a possible theoretical risk of malignant cellular growth and interference with beneficial microbial processes in the gut. We have used the term “theoretical” only because no one has been required to research their real-life health outcomes. A paper entitled ‘ rDNA Traces in Fermentation Products Using Genetically Modified Microorganisms (GMMs) ’ spells out the European Union policy on such contamination. Apparently to sidestep the issue, GMM contamination is classified as a “residue” which does not need identification on labels because it is not an “ingredient.” An argument which qualifies for the double speak of the year award. It is presumed to be covered by other food legislation designed to protect purity. In fact, there is virtually no regulatory effort to test for GMM contamination. In practice, foods produced using GMMs are presumed safe and remain untested. Regulators have given up and bowed to industry pressure. All of these players are fully aware that if GMM processes were identified on labels many consumers would be rightly very cautious and exercise their preference for traditional ingredient sources. The biosynthetic industry wishes to avoid this at all costs as it pushes ahead with more and more genetically modified food substitution. Our Entire Food Chain Has Been Polluted With GMMs As a result, genetically engineered bacteria have been rapidly and secretly introduced into the increasingly globalised food chain on a false presumption of safety unsupported by any testing of health outcomes. GMMs are not genetically similar to naturally occurring foods nor can they be presumed safe; they contain artificial sequences of genetic instructions potentially capable of interfering with immune processes key to the maintenance of good health and they are now present in foods across the entire spectrum of supermarket processed and packaged goods. It is well known that even very minor changes in genetic structures down to the level of single codons can critically affect health but industry, government and regulators are determined to turn a blind eye to the potentially serious risks to health. We already know that processed foods are at the heart of a burgeoning public health crisis, causing rising rates of cancers, heart disease, inflammation and auto-immune conditions which have suddenly accelerated in recent years. Conversely, as I explain in my book ‘ Your DNA Diet ’, fresh foods from natural sources promote better health outcomes. The biosynthetic revolution is replacing these natural sources using genetically engineered processes. Since 1990, the use of biosynthesis has gradually accelerated in foods, medicines, and the environment. Over the last five years, it has become ubiquitous and all but unavoidable for working people.  To avoid GMMs make an effort to find fresh food sources, go to your local organic supplier or farmers’ market. Cook at home using traditional methods, do your research and cooperate with neighbours. Local networks are becoming increasingly important. The summary point to make here is the novel genetic nature of the contamination. These are not minute traces of potentially toxic chemicals such as pesticides, they are active sequences of genetic instructions capable of interfering with the fundamental basis of our health. In other words, they are prime suspects in the search for the causes of the current tsunami of ill health. Incredibly, our New Zealand government, rather than tightening up on consumer safeguards and labelling, proposes to completely ignore the warning signs and go full monty on biotech deregulation. Last Chance To Have Your Say We are at a crossroads where decisions made will affect us all for generations. Find out more by viewing our YouTube video ‘ The Gene Technology Bill. What Kiwis Need To Know ’ and then  make a submission  to the New Zealand Health Select Committee this weekend byMonday, 17 February. There are many reasons to reject the Gene Technology Bill. We have published suggestions for  a submission template , but you can make your own submission of any length. Even just saying that full disclosure labelling of gene-edited origins including food ingredients produced via genetically modified microorganisms needs to be mandated will make a significant point. The more submissions that are received, the more it can become clear to the government that we care about our natural foods. Be warned, Members of Parliament are telling their constituents that clear labelling of GMO content will continue as before. This is not the case, the word “label” appears zero times in the Bill, yet it replaces earlier legislation. The Bill will exempt most CRISPR products and all GMMs from any regulation or control. We should not accept politicians misleading us whether intentionally or not. We do not live in a country where people are willing to let others take away their food choices, their rights and their beliefs, and increase exposure to serious long-term environmental and health risks. To protect this, we need to stand up and be heard. Keep using your voice at this critical time. About the Author Guy Hatchard, PhD, is a New Zealander who was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID).  You can subscribe to Dr. Hatchard’s websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.  You can also follow Dr. Hatchard on Twitter  HERE  and Facebook  HERE .

  • ‘Witness Statement’: This will be the basis of criminal prosecutions around the world for those who promoted and delivered the covid bioweapons The Australian documentary ‘ Witness Statement ’ was released by Global Truth Network on 1 January 2025. It addresses various issues including vaccine injuries, alleged crimes and motives behind certain actions related to the covid response. Andrew Bridgen on Twitter , 29 January 2025 The documentary includes an address to all Australian Police, state and federal, and calls on them to identify and investigate alleged crimes and pursue prosecution of the offenders, without fear or favour.   It features videos and reports related to vaccine injuries, statements from government officials and discussions on the safety and efficacy of vaccines.  The documentary aims to present a comprehensive view of the alleged crimes, the offenders and the motives behind certain actions taken during the pandemic. As well as in the description underneath the documentary on Rumble , Forbidden Knowledge TV has provided a list of the sections of the Witness Statement , some details of the reports contained within the sections and hyperlinks to sources, see HERE .  The sections of the full two-and-a-half-hour documentary are as follows: Section 1 – Address to Police Section 2 – The Victims Section 3 – The Alleged Crimes Section 4 – The Offenders Section 5 – The Motives Section 6 – The Weapons Section 7 – The Intent and Means Section 8 – The Evidence Section 9 – Call for Investigation and Prosecution You can find clips from the documentary as well as the full two-and-a-half-hour documentary on Rumble HERE .  If you are unable to watch the videos on Rumble, you can watch the full documentary on BitChute HERE .  You can read a transcript of the documentary HERE . After watching the documentary, you might be asking what action you can take.  So, Global Truth Network has prepared a template that can be used for you to send to your Australian Member of Parliament or Senator, and to your local Councillors.  You can find the templates HERE and HERE . You can watch the full documentary below. Witness Statement – Full Documentary , 1 January 2025 (154 mins)

  • The correlation of various mental illnesses with mineral and trace elements deficiencies or imbalances.

    Iron (which is actually a copper deficiency for many), Iodine, Potassium, magnesium, molybdenum and vanadium are the minerals associated with Bipolar.

  • How conspirators precondition a society to accept tyranny Conspirators use tools such as labelling truth-tellers as “conspiracy theorists” and propagandising the public to silence them and maintain control. Another tool is staffing organisations with “clone thinkers” who won’t question the narrative. To achieve this, the establishment populates key institutions with compliant people, using tactics such as ideological onboarding, unconscious bias training and enforcing narratives through, for example, lack of promotion or disciplinary action for those who do not comply. Most conspiracy theories are actually theories found in political science.  So, another tool is to place a yawning gap between “conspiracy theory” and “political science.” The creation of controlled opposition is also a tool used by the conspirators. The purpose of controlled opposition is to build trust before redirection. By doing so, unified movements are dissolved into smaller fragments, leading to division and inaction. Prerequisites to Tyranny By Paul Collits According to one definition:  A conspiracy is simply two or more people or organisations working in tandem to perpetrate a nefarious crime or fraud … or conceal or cover up activities that, if exposed, would harm certain people and organisations. Conspiracy Theorists One of the tools of conspirators is to label the people – often not many – who are onto them as, yes, conspiracy theorists. To silence them. And, in the case of pretend journalists like Peter Hoysted (Jack the Insider), to humiliate them over and over. His salary is paid by Rupert Murdoch, by the way. Another tool is to propagandise the punters. As Josh Stylman has argued, quoting Theodore Dalrymple: “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.” This principle of forced participation hasn’t disappeared – it has evolved. Today’s system doesn’t merely demand silence but active complicity in its narratives … Read more: The Second Matrix: Break the Controlled Awakening , Brownstone Institute, 14 February 2025 Staff Organisations With The Compliant There is another tool used by propagandising conspirators, aka the tyrannical state. This one takes some work. In a typically excellent article at  The Brownstone Institute , titled ‘ In Defence of Conspiracy Theorists ’, Bill Rice argues: As a bonafide conspiracy theorist, I’ve come to believe the world’s most important conspiracies would be impossible to pull off absent  a prior conspiracy  to staff these organisations with clone thinkers who will never question or challenge the official narrative. His logic is simple. And it supports the view that conspiracies are real and routine. Because if the institutions conspiring to dud customers or electors or whomever have thought far enough ahead to people their institutions with signed-up automatons, then it all was deliberate! A virtuous logical circle. Having worked in both corporate universities and government agencies, I can attest to Rice’s conclusions. If you step outside the corporate narratives, you are going to be shown the door, in short shrift. Or denied promotion. Or denied interesting projects. Or kept out of research grant application teams. Or hauled into the CEO’s office for correction or counselling. James Cook University, just down the road from my current abode, did the first of these things to an outstanding scholar called Peter Ridd. My recent experience with (God help us all) the Australian public health system suggests organisations full of butt protectors, yes men and women, narrative protectors and “good” corporate citizens. Anyone who has worked for a large institution knows this. Cover-ups of a minor or major nature occur every hour of the day, for example. Risk management 101. A whole army of consultants gets rich by advising on how to do it. Every corporate and government agency now has a media unit. To feed the chooks, as Sir Joh used to say. Really? Populating key institutions with the compliant explains the success of the whole covid scam. See under Jack the Insider, again. Of course. The climate scam. See under school teachers. And all the other state scams, too. It is the way the world works. Generations of incoming employees are ideologically onboarded. See under unconscious bias training. And as Bill Rice would recognise, the devil’s second greatest trick was to get the CIA to convince the world that truth-tellers were “conspiracy theorists”. Just like Satan’s greatest trick – convincing the world that he doesn’t exist – it has worked! The modern midwit left has signed up, lock, stock and whole freaking barrel. Ironically, doing the dirty work of the supposed corporate enemy. The class enemy. I still haven’t figured that one out. And not just what we still call “the left,” of course. The establishment right, personified by the likes of Toby Young, are on board with the dissing of conspiracy theorists. Locking up the corporate loyalty system is critical to the control agenda. I have written before about the theory of positive deviants. Those rare beasts within corporates who are actually there to help solve problems, to challenge orthodoxies in doing so, to serve the public (or customer) interest, in spite of their assigned roles of corporate self-protection, to admit corporate error and to break through enforced narratives. Sometimes they whisper things to you. Like what hospital nurses say about doctors. They definitely whisper. One in four corporate employees is suggested by the consultant Mark Strom to be a positive deviant. You might get lucky. The rest are what Bill Rice might think of as enlisted soldiers of the narrative. Obey or be sacked. Most employees want to pay the bills and put food on the family table. We have all been there. There are several sub-classes of corporate hacks. There are those who actually believe the ideology. They have been prepped at school and university, with green, woke religion. Sadly, there are more of these than we might expect. Then there are those who know it is all bullshit but who want to “get ahead.” Or stay out of trouble. They are the chancer class. Then there are the scaredy cats. Too frightened to go against the bosses’ agenda. Institutions are full of these types. Managing up is a corporate religion. And the powers-that-be know this. They engineered the whole managerial revolution to achieve it. See under HR and MBAs. Create a Gap between Conspiracy Theory and Political Science Of course, most conspiracy theories turn out to be simply Pol Sci 101. Modern adaptations of public choice theory, for example. Of bureaucratic capture, as one (very important) example. This theory exposes the private interests of public officials and their motives in building coalitions with private actors. It is essentially a theory of public corruption. The establishment’s best tactic has been to place a yawning gap between “conspiracy theory” and “political science.” My mission has always been to collapse the distance between the two. Which brings us to Hannah Arendt, one of the twentieth century’s leading political science and history scholars. Her book, ‘ The Origins of Totalitarianism’ , was a historical examination of the rise of Hitler, in particular. It was also about preconditions. About the easing of populations into readiness for tyranny. The subtle moving of people into acceptance of it. It worked so well because the prepping was so well constructed and planned. Wikipedia summarises the thesis : In this book, Arendt argues that totalitarianism was a “novel form of government,” that “differs essentially from other forms of political oppression known to us such as despotism, tyranny and dictatorship” in that it applied terror to subjugate mass populations rather than just political adversaries. Novel. Oppression. Terror. Whole populations. Ringing any bells? Hannah hadn’t even heard of covid. Of the World Economic Forum. Of Tony Fauci. Of bioweapons. Of the Department of Homeland Security. Of Wuhan laboratories. Of Davos. Of the new world order. Let us assume that Bill Rice’s account of the new tyranny was planned. The success of the strategy proves the conspiracy. It means it was planned. It could only have worked that way. Quad erat demonstrandum . That is the burden of Rice’s argument. Bill Rice’s (brief) examination of the nature of narratives, propaganda and the rolling out of a system of control is more a political science approach than Arendt’s historical analysis. Regulatory capture is critical to his framework of tyrannical conspiracy and to the building of corporatism as a system of government. The public choice theory works because everyone in the establishment is a winner. Bureaucrats advance their careers and prestige. Industries get goodies from the government. Rigging the rules easily beats the harder task of winning in the marketplace. As Adam Smith long ago recognised. Ministers get to cut ribbons and make announcables. They are all busy with the exciting, day-to-day process of governance. While the puppeteers simply grin at all the colour and movement, and continue to hold all the cards. Quietly and (mostly) invisibly. They even meet once a year (in Davos) and tell us openly what they are up to. They know that everyone will ignore them. Bill Rice’s theory of tyranny prepping is also redolent of the theory of the long march through the institutions. Crafted the Italian Marxist Gramsci and refined by the German radical Rudi Dutschke. Get the team in place. This was the master class of the Marxist pivot in the 1960s from relying on the (useless) working class to the pursuing the capture of cultural and political institutions. This is how you prepare institutions for their historic role of cultural transformation. You populate them with willing cadres of dumbo, willing, embedded social revolutionaries. You create career pathways for goon-undergraduates to advance and to become performative puppets. You “educate” them for their tasks. Hey presto. Now, all of our institutions – media, bureaucracy, political advisers, NGOs, university academics – are all singing from the same song sheet. Crawling with willing sign-ups. They have been prepped to believe in climate catastrophe, net zero, DEI, woke ideology, globalism, mass immigration, feminism, the rainbow coalition. Every last corner of the media has been captured. Even lifestyle channels are crawling with lesbian couples looking for “an escape to the country.” Normalised. We have been conditioned to say, all good. The long march. The prepping. The origins of totalitarianism. The CIA. The covid gaslighting and fear campaigns. The fact checker class. The silencing and ridiculing of dissidents. The rigid enforcement of narratives. The sophisticated propaganda. The censorship industrial complex. It all happened. It is not our imagination. Ducks in a row? If it wasn’t all a conspiracy … prove it. Creating Controlled Opposition Josh Stylman alerts us to one final tool of the conspirators. Creating controlled opposition, dividing the awake and causing them to dissolve into squabbling over minor matters. This pattern of building trust before redirection reflects a deeper system of control, operating on the ancient alchemical principle of  Solve et Coagula – first dissolve (break apart), then coagulate (reform under control). The process is precise: When people begin recognising institutional deception, natural coalitions form across traditional divides. Workers unite against central bank policies. Parents organise against pharmaceutical mandates. Communities resist corporate land grabs. But watch what happens next – these unified movements get systematically dissolved. Consider how quickly unified resistance fractured after 7 October, how the trucker protests dissolved into partisan narratives. Each fragment splinters further -from questioning authority to competing theories, from united action to tribal infighting. Watch how the confidence game operates in truth movements: First comes legitimate revelation – real documents, genuine whistle-blowers, undeniable evidence. Trust builds through authentic insight. Then subtle redirection begins. Just as they slice society into ever-smaller fragments along political, racial and cultural lines, they splinter truth movements into competing camps. Unity becomes division. Action becomes debate. Resistance becomes content. Just look at the post-covid micro “freedom” parties in Australia. Monica Smit’s call for a coalition of the willing will inevitably fall on deaf ears, as the UAP, One Nation, the Libertarians, Family First, the Family Party and People First (Gerard Rennick) go their separate ways at the coming Commonwealth election. And the winners are – the legacy parties, the Greens and the Teals. A million souls descended upon Canberra in early 2022 – the convoy to Canberra – then promptly went home and did nothing much more. Like the gay marriage no voters. ScoMo knew he could ignore the convoy brigade. Literally ignore them. As did the other institutions of covid oppression. The Liberal Party’s continued flipping of the bird at the freedom movement, seen, for example, in its joining of Labor’s clever hate speech legislation and the absence of a covid apology, shows that the latest iteration of official Liberalism continues to ignore a third of the electorate. Channelling Stylman and Bill Rice, it is a perfect example of building the institutions of control and the architecture of tyranny. What of the Convoy? No MAGA spirit and follow-up there. No focus. No leadership. No strategy for revolution. Just looking at the Trump 47 campaign’s utter brilliance, exemplified in the manner of the creation of DOGE, the contrast could not be greater. Source: Ed Dowd’s Telegram channel, 15 February 2025, and SCREW.GOV . Meanwhile, a third of the Australian electorate remains endlessly unrepresented. While the micro parties endlessly blather about the deep state. And remain micro. The establishment is laughing. Whether all of the tools described here pre-date the tyranny, or are developed over time alongside the tyranny as the level of tyrannical sophistication improves, hardly matters. What we are seeing is an architecture of totalitarian conspiracy. And a mighty fine piece of global skullduggery it is. Footnote FROM THE PAGE OF  SCREW.GOV  ON FB I came across a lawyer, Tom Renz, who actually read Trump’s DOGE Executive Order and, expecting some illegal power grab, found it to be airtight. Turns out Trump and Musk didn’t create anything. Obama did. Obama created United States Digital Service (USDS) in 2014. It was meant as a bureaucratic patch job to fix the Obamacare website meltdown. Fast forward to 2025. Trump rebrands it DOGE (United States DOGE Service). Keeps the acronym, keeps the funding, but gives it a whole new mission: Find the Receipts Legally untouchable because it was already fully funded and operational. Trump invokes 5 USC 3161, which allows him to create temporary hiring authorities. DOGE teams get embedded inside every single federal agency. Each team consists of a lawyer, HR rep, a zoomer nerd and an investigator. They report to DOGE, not the agency they’re embedded in. But wait, there’s more! Trump invokes 44 USC Chapter 35, which governs federal IT and cybersecurity oversight. Since USDS was originally an IT oversight body, DOGE now has full access to all federal data systems. Yes, that’s right. All of them. His executive order is written to block legal challenges. Includes language that overrides conflicting executive orders. Orders every agency to comply. Refusal means they violate presidential authority. Congress can’t defund it because it’s not a new programme, just a repurposed one. DOJ can’t sue for overreach because Trump used existing laws exactly as written. Democrats trying to file legal challenges run into standing issues because DOGE operates within existing frameworks. About the Author Paul Collits  is an Australian freelance writer, and independent scholar and researcher with interests in politics, public policy, philosophy, economics and education.  He has worked in government, industry and the university sector.  He spent over 25 years working in economic development and has published widely in Australian and international peer-reviewed and other journals. His recent writings on ideology, conservatism, politics, religion, culture, education and police corruption have been published in such journals as  Quadrant ,  News Weekly  and  The Spectator Australia .  Collits regularly publishes articles on his Substack page which you can subscribe to and follow  HERE .


    YOU ARE A SLAVE, AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT! Your birth certificate is NOT just a document—it’s a BOND WORTH MILLIONS, traded on the stock market as COLLATERAL for national debt! The U.S. government OWNS YOU from birth. WAKE UP and learn how you’ve been sold, exploited, and ENSLAVED! Read this NOW before they bury the truth! YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE: THE ULTIMATE DECEPTION – HOW YOU WERE BOUGHT AND SOLD AT BIRTH THE INVISIBLE CHAINS OF MODERN SLAVERY—WAKE UP! From the second you entered this world, you were ENSLAVED. You didn’t consent. You weren’t given a choice. You were BOUND to a system so corrupt, so insidious, that it has turned YOUR VERY EXISTENCE into a commodity. Your birth certificate is NOT just a record—it is a declaration of OWNERSHIP. You are not a free individual under the law; you are a FINANCIAL ASSET, a HUMAN RESOURCE, a piece of PROPERTY in an economic machine designed to EXPLOIT YOU. BIRTH CERTIFICATE = COMMODITY Ever wonder why you NEED a birth certificate? It’s NOT for identity. It’s for CONTROL. When a ship arrives at port, a manifest is issued to document the cargo. And when YOU were born, YOU WERE TREATED AS CARGO. A birth certificate was issued—NOT as a token of joy, but as a CONTRACT OF OWNERSHIP. Those red serial numbers? STOCK EXCHANGE NUMBERS. You are a CORPORATE ENTITY, a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT traded on Wall Street. YOUR VERY EXISTENCE HAS BEEN MONETIZED! BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND: IT’S WORTH BILLIONS AND YOU’RE A SLAVE Do you know your birth certificate was made into a bond worth BILLIONS?! When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933, it pledged EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN as collateral against the national debt. President Roosevelt’s executive orders CONFISCATED ALL GOLD, erasing your ability to pay debts. Instead, they created a system called EXEMPTION—where YOU became the collateral! Your worth is calculated at birth. Bonds are created in your name, hypothecated, and traded endlessly. These bonds are now worth BILLIONS. And YOU see NONE of it! CERTIFICATE = OWNERSHIP: THE LEGAL DECEPTION A stock certificate signifies ownership of shares. A land certificate signifies ownership of land. And your birth certificate signifies OWNERSHIP OF YOU. Governments don’t see citizens as individuals with rights. They see ASSETS—to be TAXED, TRACKED, and CONTROLLED. Every birth certificate represents a financial instrument used to collateralize debt. THIS is the foundation of the economic prison that ENSLAVES YOU! FINAL WARNING: WAKE UP OR REMAIN A SLAVE THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT A PIECE OF PAPER. This is about YOUR LIFE, YOUR FREEDOM, AND YOUR FUTURE. The birth certificate system is THE BIGGEST SCAM IN HUMAN HISTORY. It has turned every living being into a DEBT SLAVE. You were BORN FREE. But you were BRANDED AND SOLD before you could even speak. The choice is YOURS: Remain a COMMODITY in their system? Or TAKE BACK YOUR POWER and RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY? THE TIME TO FIGHT BACK IS NOW!


    Portals are open through sound frequencies...  When 2 chords resonate in octaves.. they create a Phantom beat or a resonant energy that can open portals... This is how the pyramids would function, they dispersed a frequency into the ionic sphere [using Monoatomic Gold as a superconductor as a smart dust to transfer the information at the speed of light].. The Great Pyramid of Giza emits the frequency of  432hz... ... Other pyramids have different frequencies and they set on lay lines. If they started to resonate, it would also activate our chakras...our crystalline body would be activated... Because the pyramid s are aligned to the constellations, we would sing in Harmony, with the Uni-verse..

  • Religious cattle. Paradigm War! Watch out for those horns!

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