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  • Masks Are Ruining Children's Lives: Dr. Makis Uncovers How Bad It is Developmental disabilities are up 17% in kids 3-17. Research shows 23% drop in young children's IQ — 30% drop in verbal development. Originally Published on Dr. Makis' Substack NEW CDC REPORT July 2023: Developmental disability up 17%, developmental delay up 19% and rising! I will briefly review the following peer-reviewed literature on the effects of masks on children: 2021 Feb - Green et al - Face masks for babies 2021 May 25 - Gori et al - Masking Emotions 2021 June 30 - Walach et al - CO2 in inhaled air (censored!) 2022 Jan - Kisielinski et al - Toxicity of CO2 in children 2022 Feb - Carnevali L et al - Face processing in early development 2022 May 13 - Lalonde et al - Masks impact audiovisual consonant recognition 2022 Dec 15 - De bolt et al - Mask impact on infant learning of faces I will also review the following Articles: 2023 July 13 - CDC Report (July 2023) developmental disabilities up 17% 2022 Oct.12 - Mask mandates stunted babies’ development (Byrne et al) 2021 Nov.26 - 23% dive in children’s development (Deoni et al) 2021 Feb - Green et al - Face masks for babies baby brain grows rapidly brain growth is strongly affected by experiences with people in their world baby can recognize a mother’s face from faces of strangers only takes newborns a few days to learn how to discriminate between differing emotional facial expressions, such as happy, sad and surprised by 5 months of age a baby can match an emotional expression like a sad face with a corresponding sad vocal expression a 5 year old child has developed ability to recognize and label facial expressions with the competence of most adults. masking may hinder an infant’s ability to develop facial processing and orientating may interfere with the parent-infant bond and longer-term attachment. delays or impairments of an infant's cognitive, social-emotional, and/or neurobehavioral development can also occur, leading to difficulties in learning and forming effective relationships later in life. 2021 May 25 - Gori et al - Masking Emotions early childhood is a critical period for development of understanding emotions and emotion processing face masks affect emotion understanding for all ages, but the effect is especially pronounced for toddlers toddlers’ performance is more impaired by a mask than older children and adults Around 3–5 years old toddlers focus almost exclusively on facial expressions, whereas children rely on situational cues by 8 or 9 years of age. Could explain the lower performance observed in younger children when the mask is present Even WHO and UNICEF discourage use of masks under age 5 unknown if younger children exposed to face masking will have altered or delayed development of social skills later in life. 2021 June 30 - Walach et al - CO2 in inhaled air (censored!) study measured how much CO2 children 6 to 17 years old breathe over 3 minutes with surgical and FFP2 masks Children had CO2 exposure 3-6 times the allowable limit after only 3 minutes of breathing with a mask youngest children had the highest CO2 exposures! study was censored (retracted) 2022 Jan - Kisielinski et al - Toxicity of CO2 in children Extensive review of animal studies Fresh air has 0.04% CO2 Wearing masks (surgical or N95) more than 5 minutes: 1.4 to 3.2% CO2 0.3% CO2 - children - irreversible neuron damage, neuron destruction, increased anxiety, impaired learning and memory 0.5% CO2 - adolescents - testicular toxicity 2022 Feb - Carnevali L et al - Face processing in early development Faces are a predominant stimulus in an infant’s environment and constitute an important source of learning from soon after birth Facial expressions also have a central role in early learning; processing expressions require the use of configural information that is hindered by wearing face masks problem: mask wearing disrupts configural face processing - no information can be obtained about the nose, cheeks, chin, mouth, and mouth movements problem: processing of simultaneous changes in face features building up emotional expressions is limited due to the lower part of the face being covered. infants typically make use of multiple scanning strategies and pay differential attention to specific face regions and features to reach developmental milestones they gradually learn to analyze the eyes and gaze direction within the context of the entire face configuration—which contributes to the early face bias, identity recognition, as well as emotional expression discrimination Language learning - Infants rely on facial information to learn language, by means of intersensory redundancy coming from mouth movements. They pay particular attention to the mouth between 4 and 8 months of age and gradually shift it to the eye region as their language expertise increases. After the first year, when entering the word acquisition phase, infants again pay selective attention to the interacting adults’ mouth to learn to articulate verbal sounds. If the speaking person has her mouth covered, infants cannot take advantage of audiovisual synchrony that is relevant for speech learning. A disadvantage linked to this could be particularly enhanced within multilingual environments, whereby infants rely on multisensory information to disentangle languages bilingual infants make use of visual information coming from the mouth region to disambiguate between languages from 8 months of age. These infants are going to struggle more. 2022 May 13 - Lalonde et al - Masks impact auditory and audiovisual consonant recognition Face masks disrupt speech understanding by concealing lip-reading cues and reducing transmission of high-frequency acoustic speech content the combination of a noisy environment and face masks negatively impacts speech understanding in children CDC guidelines suggest teachers wear a transparent mask if they interact with students with special education or healthcare needs, teach young students who are learning to read, teach English as a second language, or teach students with disabilities including hearing loss. 2022 Dec 15 - De bolt et al - Mask impact on infant learning of faces studied how face masks influence face memory in 6 to 9 month old infants Infants showed memory for the faces if the faces were unmasked at test, regardless of whether or not the face was masked during familiarization infants did not show robust evidence of memory when test faces were masked, regardless of the familiarization condition ARTICLES: 2023 July 13 - Face mask effect: developmental disabilities CDC Report released in July 2023 shows: children ages 3-17: developmental disabilities are up 17% in 2021 (includes speech disorders, dyslexia, ADHD) children ages 3-17: developmental delays are up 19% in 2021 boys have higher prevalence of developmental disability than girls with 10.8% for boys vs 5.3% for girls Boys have higher prevalence of intellectual disability than girls, with 2.3% for boys vs 1.4% for girls Boys (4.7%) were more than three times as likely as girls (1.5%) to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. prevalence of intellectual disability increased with age prevalence of other developmental delay decreased with age 2022 Oct.12 - Mask mandates stunted babies’ development (Byrne et al) - A paper led by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, researchers looked at 309 babies born between March and May 2020. Lockdowns and mask mandates have stunted babies' development Study looked at 10 developmental milestones at 1 year old lockdown babies were 14% less likely to have said one definite word lockdown babies were 9% less likely to have started pointing lockdown babies were 6% less likely to wave goodbye authors say face masks limited children's ability to read facial expressions or see people's mouths move — a crucial part of learning to speak. 2021 Nov.26 - 23% dive in Children’s development Paper by Deoni et al - The COVID-19 Pandemic and Early Child Cognitive Development: A Comparison of Development in Children Born During the Pandemic Social distancing measures including face masks are suspected of causing young children's development to drop by up to 23% during the COVID pandemic 23% drop in scores measuring kids' IQ since the start of the pandemic 30% drop in verbal development quotient 24% drop in non-verbal development quotient “children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.” “masks worn in public settings and in school or daycare settings may impact a range of early developing skills, such as attachment, facial processing, and socio-emotional processing” My Take… Here in Alberta, Canada, we have far left activist PEDIATRICIANS who publicly claim that there is NO HARM inflicted on children via masking. Here is an example: Dr.Tehseen Ladha is an Alberta, Canada pediatrician at University of Alberta, with a Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins. Her pronouns are: she’s/corrupt. This is the level of medical malpractice and evil we are dealing with. Many pediatricians are willing to intentionally harm thousands of children in order to promote the fraudulent COVID-19 propaganda and narrative. To Summarize: “Children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.” “Masks worn in public settings and in school or daycare settings impact a range of early developing skills, such as attachment, facial processing, and socio-emotional processing” 23% drop in children’s IQ since start of pandemic (Deoni et al) 30% drop in verbal development quotient (Deoni et al) 24% drop in non-verbal development quotient (Deoni et al) lockdowns and mask mandates have stunted babies' development 1 yo lockdown babies 14% less likely to have said one definite word (Byrne et al) 1 yo lockdown babies 9% less likely to have started pointing (Byrne et al) 1 yo lockdown babies 6% less likely to wave goodbye (Byrne et al) kids 3-17: developmental disabilities are up 17% in 2021 (CDC July 2023) kids 3-17: developmental delays are up 19% in 2021 (CDC July 2023) bilingual children are at a severe disadvantage and will struggle more with masking as they make use of visual information coming from the mouth region to disambiguate between languages from 8 months of age. face masks affect emotion understanding for all ages, but the effect is especially pronounced for toddlers currently unknown if younger children exposed to face masking will have altered or delayed development of social skills later in life. When it comes to masks and children, it’s all harm and no benefit. When you put a mask on a child, the toxic CO2 exposure after only minutes of mask wearing, starts damaging and killing off their neurons. Younger children who are placed in an environment of unscientific and unethical mask mandates, experience developmental difficulties and delays, learning problems, speech problems and socio-emotional problems. We have not begun to fully understand the damage that has been done to kids via masks that are ineffective in a respiratory viral outbreak and mask mandates that were implemented in schools and in society. Parents must draw a line in the sand and not allow mask mandates of any kind ever again. Especially now that they’re attempting to bring them back.

  • Is THIS the reason why blue cars, blue umbrellas and other blue things didn’t burn in the Maui fires Inquisitive minds are not buying the official story that the fires in Maui were a natural and unexpected event – and certainly not one that is the product of some mythical concept like "climate change" or "global warming." Like the recent fires in California and Australia, the Hawaii fires are "unlike anything we've ever seen before," to quote Greg Reese of Infowars, who put together the following informational video about what many believe really happened in West Maui. "They are being called 'forest fires' and 'wildfires,' but they are clearly something very different," Reese explains – watch below: "These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched. In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit, so it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum." "But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area, and melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees F. These are unexplained anomalies." (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about the mysterious non-burning items that were left unscathed in the Lahaina disaster.) The color blue, which was unharmed in the Maui fires, has a frequency of 6.66 As was also the case with the 2018 California fires, objects such as cars and homes burned to a crisp and basically collapsed into their own footprint, leaving behind nothing but white ash. "We've seen these same anomalies in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001 – cars completely burned out with no explanation," Reese points out. Disturbingly, the Maui fires were highly selective in what they burned. Poor and middle-class folks had their entire homes and livelihoods reduced to ash while the lavish estates of rich people like Oprah and Jeff Bezos remained unscathed. "In Maui, these unnatural fires spared the homes of the rich while burning the native homes of the working class," Reese explains. "With precision, these fires destroyed the most envied, high-valued areas of Maui." It is fast becoming common knowledge that the government has at its disposal directed energy weapons, or DEW technology, that utilizes lasers and light to target certain objects and places for destruction while leaving the surrounding area alone. "For decades, directed energy weapons have been classified, but they have been on the public record for several years now," Reese says. "Directed energy weapons, known as DEWs, have the ability to burn homes with this sort of precision – but in order to be this precise, the area would have to be mapped out." It turns out that, back in January, many local residents of Hawaii observed strange green laser lights in the sky. Reese says these lasers are proof-positive evidence that the government was mapping the terrain in advance using a geospatial array. After the fires destroyed Lahaina, many blue-colored objects were observed to have not burned even though everything else around them was burned. "We have seen that among the ashy ruins, there are blue-colored objects that have somehow survived the devastation: blue cars, blue umbrellas, a blue boat, blue planters," Reese says. "Videos online are going viral that show how lasers can easily burn through certain-colored objects, but objects that are colored blue remain unharmed." DEWs include not only lasers but also millimeter waves and microwaves, both of which are used in the naked body scanners at American airports. "They are all based on light frequencies, and different wavelengths of light affect colors differently," Reese says. "For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light. Each color has its own frequency." "Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66."

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