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- NEWS Host Faces Jail For Reporting the NEWS
The criminals who have highjacked our government are letting us know that America is over and we are now their slaves. https://gregreese.substack.com Elections have been rigged for centuries because government is a form of slavery. Which is why what the founding fathers of these United States gave us is so revered. They drafted a form of government unlike any other in history. A revolutionary form of governance based upon the foundation that all men are created equal and independent, and that all are born with the inherent and inalienable right to the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. George Washington wrote: “If men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.” Benjamin Franklin wrote: “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government: When this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins” And this is where we are at today. Our first amendment states that: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” And it has been stripped away from us by tyrants. NEWS host, Owen Shroyer, is being charged with the crime of questioning the results of the 2020 presidential elections, the most blatant election fraud in US history. And he did so peacefully which is his god-given right under the US Constitution. But America has already been defeated. And while many haven’t noticed, others don’t seem to care. Shroyer isn’t being charged with conspiracy, incitement, or any actual crime at all. He is being charged for exercising his freedom of speech. The sentencing document goes on for pages quoting him for saying what Americans on both sides of the crippling two-party system have been saying for over a century. In short, that the government is tyrannical and criminal. Which should be obvious to just about everyone at this point. And this is not a crime. It is the first line of defense against tyranny, our freedom to call it out. The document mentions a simple misdemeanor that involves Shroyer being on capitol grounds. This was a violation of a court order that resulted from a 2019 arrest when Shroyer stood and protested a House Judiciary Committee meeting. But this is not the crime he is being charged with. The 30-page sentencing document is nothing but hot air being blown by a legal team held on the leash by tyrants who occupy the halls of our government. What Shroyer is actually being charged with is best summarized on page 20 where it states: “his statements and actions after January 6 illustrate his complete lack of remorse. To date, despite a number of opportunities he has taken to speak about the election and January 6, he has yet to sincerely demonstrate genuine remorse for his conduct.” In other words, he won’t shut up about the stolen 2020 election. This is his god-given right. But the criminals who have highjacked we the people’s government are letting the rest of us know that those days are over, and we are now their slaves to be experimented on, thrown in jail, and murdered.
- Good God! Is Britain really going to jail people who disagree with net zero?
https://www.express.co.uk/comment/expresscomment/1809903/Uk-net-zero-rules-energy-bill-jail-for-new-zero-jacob-rees-mogg A piece of legislation snuck quietly through Parliament yesterday. If we don't fight it you might very well face jail time for non-compliance with new zero diktats on your home, writes Lois Perry. Back to work after the Summer recess,the UK Government introduced legislation related to net zero measures, which has set off major alarm bells amongst lovers of freedom across the country. Many are questioning the necessity and feasibility of the draconian net zero measures contained in the flagship Energy Bill which cleared the Commons at third reading yesterday, and they're rightly worried property owners facing criminal charges for opposing them. In fact, under this new legislation, those who fail to adhere to energy consumption regulations could face imprisonment for up to a year and fines of up to £15,000. Prosecutions may also occur for providing false information about energy efficiency or obstructing enforcement authorities. Most shockingly, the legislation provides for “the creation of criminal offences” where there is “non-compliance with a requirement imposed by or under energy performance regulations”. It seems the net zero row back from Starmer and Sunak due to public dissatisfaction with the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) at the recent byelection was little more than a feint. The proposed legislation grants the Government (and it could be either party given the election next year) the power to create new criminal offences and increase penalties in pursuit of their net-zero globalist goals. Critics argue that this move starkly contradicts the will of the British people and fortunately has sparked a high degree of opposition from some members of the Conservative Party. The Government's ‘get out of jail’ card is that they do not intend to create new criminal offences but may simply need to amend existing laws, particularly those stemming from EU legislation like the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations, which includes Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs). These amendments aim to provide stakeholders, including landlords, businesses, and tenants, with information to make informed decisions regarding energy efficiency. However, there are very real concerns that these amendments could lead to the criminalisation of individuals who do not comply with the new energy rules. It’s this pandemic-style shift in power dynamics – this time using the Climate rather than Covid - which is the source of worry for many. To address these concerns, it is vital for the electorate to communicate their views loud and clear to their Members of Parliament. It's crucial to ensure that the criminalisation of energy use without public consent does not become a reality. My organisation CAR26 conducted YouGov polls in October 2021 and February 2022, which revealed in both instances, that a significant proportion of the British public supports the idea of a net zero referendum. In fact the numbers supporting a referendum went up the second time around. This suggests that there is a desire for a more inclusive and democratic approach to shaping these policies. Before turning the questioning of net zero into a criminal offence, the Government should consider conducting a thorough review and hold a referendum to gauge public opinion. This would help ensure that the policies align with public sentiment and garner broader support. After all, our elected representatives always argue they work for you. If a referendum is not pursued (both Boris and now Rishi ruled it out so don’t hold your breath) it is essential to demand clear assurances from the Government that they will not enforce net zero targets without explicitly outlining them in an election party manifesto. The issue of net zero has become a significant point of contention in the UK. It is essential to engage in open and democratic discussions about the path forward to ensure that these policies reflect the will of the people and do not undermine fundamental democratic principles. Lois Perry is director of CAR26 a pressure group calling for "rationality" in climate matters.
- Here’s what corporate media is not reporting about the rise in cancer cases
https://expose-news.com/2023/09/12/cancer-heres-what-corporate-media-is-not-reporting/ Featured image: The success of the Covid jab has escalated the development of vaccines for cancer and other conditions, according to The Guardian, 7 April 2023 The incidences of cancer suddenly accelerated after the vaccine rollout began. In this article, Dr. Guy Hatchard considers what corporate media are currently reporting about rising cancer cases and what they could have investigated, but haven’t. Cancers Rise Dramatically in Tandem with Covid Vaccinations By Dr. Guy Hatchard A study published in BMJ Oncology this month entitled ‘Global trends in incidence, death, burden and risk factors of early-onset cancer from 1990 to 2019’ has reported a 79.1% rise in cancer incidence among people under 50 years of age during the last thirty years. This averages to a 2.6% annual rise. Over 350 news outlets around the world have published articles reporting the results. Developed nations, including North America, Western Europe, and Oceania (that’s New Zealand), are disproportionately affected. The authors suggest that: Dietary risk factors (diet high in red meat, low in fruits, high in sodium and low in milk, etc.), alcohol consumption and tobacco use are the main risk factors underlying early-onset cancers. In addition to these factors, the authors also explain that changes in lifestyle and environment since the turn of the 20th century, resulting in increased rates of obesity, physical inactivity, westernised processed diets, and environmental pollution, may have affected the incidence of early-onset cancer. These are, of course, alarming figures. Concern has been widely registered around the world. More than 1 million under 50s now die annually from cancer worldwide. The identification of possible causes in the study is helpful. It points to factors that are particularly prevalent in richer nations. What Has Been Happening Since 2019? You might have noticed that the study covers data up to the end of 2019, and you are perhaps wondering what is happening now. If you have been reading our reports, you probably know that up-to-date data on specific disease categories is hard to come by and might just be subject to some form of suppression. You have to dig around to get a hold of the current situation. Phinance Technologies, a company specialising in independent data mining and consultation, has published an analysis of UK disability claims over the last seven years (See ‘UK PIP Analysis – Body Systems’). The total number of new claims for Personal Independence Payments (“PIPs”) for all ages and all causes made by people claiming disability is graphed as follows: Source: Phinance Technologies The 2022 rate of new claims was 71% higher than the average 2016-2019 rate and mirrors the Covid vaccine rollout. Phinance Technologies also reports separate data for payments made to those suffering from disability due to cancer incidence. These payments increased by 35% in 2022 compared to the long-term average. An increase of 12,271 cases. Source: Phinance Technologies It is interesting that a 79% increase in early onset cancers over a thirty-year period has elicited global concern and publicity, whereas a 35% rise in cancer incidence over one year after the vaccine rollout began, a rate of 13 times higher, has been ignored by corporate media. How strange is that? Just imagine if these figures are being replicated around the world. That would amount to an additional 1 million cancer cases, being quietly swept under the rug. One million people are unaware of a possible deadly cause of their disease – covid vaccination – being administered by the same health professionals who say they are dedicated to preserving public health. The figures are even more concerning if you consider the increase in the total number of people applying for disability payments in the UK because they are unable to work due to various conditions – 372,000. If this is being repeated worldwide, in 2022 there will have been 31 million new cases of disability. A figure that is similarly being swept under the rug by medical authorities and governments. Here in New Zealand, we have few reasons to doubt the validity of these figures. The Household Labour Force Survey reports that there are 6,600 working-age people (15-64) who dropped out of the workforce through disability in the year since June 2021 when vaccination of this age group began. Leaked hospital data from the Wellington Region revealed a rising incidence of cancers. We know that our health service is overwhelmed, but we are still being offered puerile excuses by our politicians, medical authorities, and mainstream media. We are being treated daily to heart-wrenching personal stories in the press about working-age and student people who are falling ill or even dying unexpectedly. In a few cases, we are being told that we will have to wait for a coroner’s report to know why, but as long as public health data remains hidden, parents, friends and colleagues may never know why. No doubt there are multiple causes for serious illness and excess deaths including pre-existing conditions, delays in treatment due to pandemic lockdowns, long covid and covid infection, poverty, poor lifestyles, etc. But it seems from whatever data we do have that the most significant cause of appalling hospital statistics is likely to be quite different from the tired excuses currently being rolled out for public consumption. Watch THIS video to get an update on excess deaths by country which remains high in nations with high Covid vaccination rates, but are below the long-term average in countries with low vaccination rates. As long as complete public health data broken down by vaccination status, age and condition are being kept well-hidden and withheld from independent researchers no one will know what exactly is going on. Overseas data is now catching up with us. New Zealand can’t keep its head in the sand any longer. This needs to be a topic in election debates and at public meetings. Candidates are showing their disdain for the New Zealand public by refusing to address the growing evidence of covid-19 vaccine harms on a scale that dwarfs previous risks to public health. Time to wake up, get up to date and show some respect. Many people write to me, some of them performing important roles in society, expressing concern, regretting that there are few forums where they can make their concerns known. The cancellation of these voices, as well as continuing government funding of unqualified “fact-checkers” and so-called “disinformation experts” in the face of mounting scientific evidence of covid vaccine harm is becoming a serious matter. This week, I read an account of a former pillar of the UK media establishment and editor of the Independent on Sunday and the New Statesman, Peter Wilby. He spent years cancelling and denigrating victims of child abuse but has recently been exposed as a prolific collector of sickening explicit child sex abuse images. Wilby used his influence to craft a media environment which was hostile to whistle-blowers and journalists working to expose child sex abuse, characterising the victims as easily manipulated by overzealous reporters engaged in a witch-hunt. Wilby used his power in the media to call for “nuance” and a more relaxed and understanding stance towards abusers. We can’t help but feel threatened by how much power our media has to shape public narratives that don’t have a basis in reality. They have failed the New Zealand public. If we don’t learn from the pandemic, we have failed as a society to protect ourselves from abusers and misinformation. Our politicians need to take note, political ideology and belief devoid of relevant information do not amount to a public health policy with any chance of success.
- Things Are About To Go To The Next Level
- Childhood Antibiotic Use Linked to Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/childhood-antibiotics-early-onset-colorectal-cancer/ A study in the International Journal of Cancer linked repeated or prolonged antibiotic use during childhood and adolescence to a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer and polyps before age 50. The effect was most pronounced in individuals with a common FUT2 gene alteration. By Angelo DePalma, Ph.D. A study in the International Journal of Cancer linked long-term or recurrent antibiotic use early in life with a higher risk of developing early-onset (before age 50) colorectal cancer (CRC) and precancerous polyps. The joint Chinese-British research team found a particularly strong association among people carrying a defective form of a gene, FUT2. FUT2 normally regulates the gut microbiome through its protein product, fucosyltransferase 2. However, the defective form of FUT2 is inactive, so it does not generate the protein. This deficiency has been implicated in forms of cancer other than CRC. Study details Researchers used a survey on early-life antibiotic use and current life or lifestyle factors to screen subjects, ages 40-69, from a large U.K. patient database. Participants were recruited between 2006 and 2010 and followed up to February 2022. Patients were evaluated for CRC and polyps at initial intake and during follow-up, with cases falling into either prevalent (present at initial assessment) or incident (during follow-up) categories. Among the 113,256 participants who met the study’s inclusion criteria were 165 CRC cases (143 prevalent and 22 incident cases) and 719 instances of precancerous colorectal adenoma, or polyps. Researchers defined long-term or recurrent antibiotic use as receiving more than three antibiotic prescriptions per year. Life/lifestyle factors included education level, family history of CRC and age at sexual maturity. Investigators then ranked subjects according to high (above average) or low (below average) “polygenic risk score,” which combines the effects of genetic factors known to affect CRC risk. Researchers hypothesized that factors affecting the gut microbiome — specifically antibiotic use and genetic factors — might work together to modify early-onset CRC risk. Why this is important Thanks to effective screening strategies, cases of CRC in adults over 50 have been falling slowly. However, rates in people under 50 have been rising. Some experts attribute the overall rise in CRC diagnoses to diet, a “major” risk, or environmental and current lifestyle factors. But diet, exercise and obesity cannot explain differences between over-50 and under-50 age groups. CRC rates among under-50s are rising between 1-2% per year. This number may seem small but over 10 years, a 2% yearly increase means an overall rise of 22%. Based on these figures, one paper predicted that by 2030, between 10-12% of colon cancer and 25% of rectal cancer diagnoses will occur in people younger than 50. Results Long-term antibiotic use was associated with increased early-onset CRC risk when existing cases and those that occurred during the study were analyzed together, but not for cases that occurred during the study. The associations with early-onset CRC were much stronger for high genetic risk subjects, in whom increases were seen for both prevalent-plus-incident occurrence and incident cases only. When subjects were further grouped by low, medium and high genetic risk, participants in the middle and upper groups were much more likely to develop early-onset CRC than those in the lowest group. Based on these preliminary findings one would expect subjects with the highest combined genetic risk and antibiotic exposure to have the highest risk for developing early-onset CRC, and this is what researchers found. Together, these factors increased the early-onset risk by more than 200%. Associations between genes, antibiotic exposure and polyps followed similar patterns. Long-term antibiotic use was linked to higher rates for combined incident and prevalent cases regardless of genetic risk, but not for incident cases. The polyp connection was strongest in individuals carrying a specific variation of the FUT2 gene. Strengths and weaknesses According to the authors, theirs was the first study to examine the connection between early-life antibiotic use and early-onset CRC. Their use of an extensive data set allowed them to find small but statistically significant differences between high-antibiotic and low-antibiotic use groups, and among subjects with varying genetics and family histories. The main weakness was reliance on 30- and 40-year-old memories of events which, in the absence of a chronic condition requiring antibiotic treatment — for example, acne or tonsillitis — are not typically memorable. Although questions on lifestyle were included in the intake survey, researchers were unable to match or compare study groups on the basis of lifestyle and diet at the time of antibiotic use. Since diet, lifestyle and antibiotic use correlate to health or illness, children who take antibiotics may already be at greater risk for developing early-onset CRC or polyps — regardless of whether they take antibiotics. FUT2 and the microbiome CRC is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., with approximately 147,950 diagnoses and 53,200 deaths in 2020. This includes 17,930 cases and 3,640 deaths (12% and 7%, respectively) in individuals younger than 50 years. Hereditary, genetic and environmental factors contribute to CRC, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Factors involved in the development of early-onset CRC are specific external environmental factors, general external factors and internal environmental factors. Credit: M. Rebersek. The connection between levels of the active FUT2 gene, gut microbiome and both precancerous and malignant colorectal growths is well-established. The gut microbiome comprises large populations of microorganisms that interact with host cells to regulate energy utilization, metabolism and immune responses. Gene sequencing has revealed changes to the microbiome associated with CRC, and specific bacterial species involved in cancer including some, like E. coli, which when out of balance can cause a host of health issues. Approximately 80% of humans carry a functional FUT2 gene, the precursor of the fucosyltransferase 2 enzyme that regulates the gut microbiome. FUT2 adds a sugar, fucose, to mucus in the digestive tract to help maintain healthy gut bacteria. The 20% of humans who lack functional copies of this gene, and therefore lack the fucosyltransferase-2 protein, have greater susceptibility to common bacterial and viral colonization, including viral respiratory infections, stomach ulcers, and “stomach bugs.” Under-expressed FUT2 has also been linked to Crohn’s disease and sclerosing cholangitis, or inflammation of the bile ducts. FUT2 levels are low in colorectal tumors, whereas higher levels stop the spread of CRC and correlate to increased survival in patients. Test mice lacking the FUT2 gene naturally develop aggressive tumors. The connection between antibiotics and cancer represents a medical conundrum because antibiotics are considered essential medicines. In a roundabout way, however, the connection has uncovered possible ways to prevent or treat CRC through noninvasive microbiome manipulation at the precancerous or polyp stage.
- Here's a compenium for those still asleep, those with cognitive dissonance and delusional doubters
Today we remember our beautiful brothers and sisters taken from us on 9/11. We pray for their families, their loved ones & for our brave first responders, firefighters & police officers, who risked their lives so others could live. Keep them in your hearts forever 🙏🏻❤️ They never thought people who filmed the attacks on 9/11 with their JVC handycam would post it to social media years later. There were never any planes. Say What? 911 - Explosive Information - Bush Jr EXPOSED Jeffrey Epstein had this painting of Bush in his Manhattan home. It shows bush playing with paper planes crashing into Jenga towers that represent the Twin Towers. They all knew 9/11 was an inside job and a satanic ritual. This weird Satanic Ritual on Ground Zero - THE ALL SEEING EYE OF HORUS Never Forget... 9.11 — *No Planes. Demolition using nano thermite. Or else it would've looked like the Empire State building in 1945. FIREFIGHTERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - 22 years later, and still the cover up and lies continue. WE the PEOPLE will never forget what they did. The list is long, very long. A rainbow appears in New York City 9/11/23. This is incredible! ✳️ Watch - 9/11: An Infinite Dream ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v2ynjo6-911-an-infinite-dream.html ✳️ Watch - On September 10, 2001, Def Sec Donald Rumsfeld Announces That $2.3 Trillion Were Missing From Pentagon ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v18pjcx-september-10-2001-def-sec-donald-rumsfeld-announces-that-2.3-trillion-were-.html ✳️ Watch - Cynthia McKinney Questions Donald Rumsfeld About The Missing Trillions, Human Trafficking & 9/11 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v18pojl-cynthia-mckinney-questions-donald-rumsfeld-about-the-missing-trillions-huma.html ✳️ Watch - Former Gov. Jesse Ventura Take On 9/11: "They Wanted It To Happen" ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkby8-former-gov.-jesse-ventura-take-on-911-they-wanted-it-to-happen.html ✳️ Watch - Geraldo Rivera Does 9/11 Truth Segment About Building 7 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk21x-geraldo-rivera-does-911-truth-segment-about-building-7.html ✳️ Watch - Do You Support A New 9/11 Investigation!? ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk5md-do-you-support-a-new-911-investigation.html ✳️ Watch - Bill Cooper Predicted 9/11 In Advance And 'Died' Shortly After ► HERE: https://rumble.com/vxkorj-bill-cooper-predicted-911-in-advance-and-died-shortly-after.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jk7kx-911-suspects-the-dancing-israelis.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 - In Plane Sight ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkgv9-911-in-plane-sight.html ✳️ Watch - 9/11 War Games ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jki1e-911-war-games.html ✳️ Watch - JFK To 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1jkpv5-jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick.html ✳️ Watch - WWE Predictive Programming 9/11 In 1989 ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v23vy5u-wwe-predictive-programming-911-in-1989.html
- This is one of the most important speeches of our time. 30min
https://twitter.com/Theo_TJ_Jordan/status/1700848853031731415 This is one of the most important speeches of our time. 30min straight, no notes. That's because James has dedicated his life to understanding the origins and interworkings of this, and how to convey. The way he describes the blueprint here is masterful.
OCTOBER 4 - NATIONAL FEMA TEST USA This is a major heads up. We know how the “test events” are often the real thing and not a drill. 👇👇👇 https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023
- The Problem with Smart Meters -Worldwide Testimonies
https://expose-news.com/2023/09/10/the-risk-associated-with-smart-meters-worldwide-testimonies/ On Tuesday 5th Sep 2023 the UK Parliament quietly approved a bill clearing the way towards forcing British citizens to have smart meters installed in their homes and for individual electrical appliances including; fridges, dishwashers, and washers to be fitted with smart functions (Source). The key to smart functionality is that these appliances can be operated externally “in response to load signals” which means that smart meters will soon allow for your energy to be rationed remotely or even cut off completely according to the Smart Tyranny coalition [Source]. Essential Upgrade We are being put into a position where it will be hard to refuse as the state has plans to force non-compliant residences into having a smart meter installed or face a £15,000 fine. “The replacement of traditional gas and electricity meters with smart meters is an essential national infrastructure upgrade for Great Britain” we are told by the government which is promoting the use of a smart meter as a money-saving device. (source). This may have enticed the 33 million homes and small businesses in Britain that already have smart and advanced meters installed, but individuals have felt pressured into having them due to relentless overzealous electricity providers who have been working to reach their companies’ “binding annual installation targets” to roll out smart and advanced meters since 2022. Now their focus is on installing the smart meters in the remaining “non-smart” customers by the end of 2025, which can only mean they will now have to ramp up the pressure for us all to have them against our will. They Do Not Deliver Utility companies claim that smart meters deliver benefits to consumers — like access to more data, better services, and cost and energy savings through data analysis. And yet, reports from around the world repeatedly suggest that smart meters aren’t delivering on these promises, failing to make an impact on energy use. One example, in the Netherlands, consumers are barely saving 1 percent on their energy bill — far under the projected amount. Catastrophic Health Effects Failing to deliver benefits is one thing — but smart meter radiation also comes with significant health and safety concerns. Smart meters are responsible for “catastrophic effects” on the health of individuals and animals, surely it is down to the individual to choose to take that risk just to save a few pounds? Unsurprisingly, the government’s “Smart Meters guide for households” states that in fact there is “no evidence that the meters pose any risk to health” (source). We know there is. They also claim that radio waves are likely to be “much lower than other everyday devices such as our mobile phones,” Again this is untrue. Senior Nuclear Policy Lecturer at UCSC, Daniel Hirsch, is reported to have found that smart meters “can emit intense pulses of radiation more than 14,000 times EACH DAY.” has determined that wireless meters emit 100-150 times the radiation of a cell phone, thus, invalidating utility claims that the radiation is insignificant. (source) That is just with the standard smart meters and reportedly they’re not as bad as smart meters in the narrowband mesh network. These new smart meters have to continuously emit EMF to keep up with the data transfer demands, according to the Sheild Your Body group. This means we will be constantly exposed to EMF emissions, which can result in a range of health problems (source) Of course, this is known to numerous health bodies, for example, according to the American Cancer Society “RF radiation is a possible carcinogen, and smart meters give off RF radiation, it is possible that smart meters could increase cancer risk.” Even the World Health Organisation has declared that “Non-ionizing radiation of the kind emitted by smart meters is a class 2B carcinogen – the same category as DDT, based on cell phone brain tumor studies” Also, an article in the peer-reviewed Journal of Neuroscience concluded that “EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally-inducible neurological syndrome.” There is undoubtedly lots more, but importantly consumer experience has more than shown the dangers of having a smart meter installed, why are they being ignored? The Task Force On January 5, 2023, Arthur Firstenberg, from Cellular Phone Task Force wrote that five weeks previously, he had asked people to email the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) about their experiences with smart meters. What he received in response he described as “heartbreaking testimonies” that poured in from around the world, which included stories about “catastrophic effects on the health and lives of adults, children, the elderly, pets, farm animals, birds, wild animals, insects, worms, plants, neighbors, workers and entire communities.” Below are excerpts and summaries of some of the 271 testimonies that are posted on the public comments page of the PRC’s website. The Smart Meter Testimonies Jennifer Andree is a New Mexico resident who was severely injured by a smart meter “that has completely devastated my life.” She is a nurse and a veteran who knew nothing about smart meters until she was injured by one. This occurred on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. “For three and one-half months,” she writes, she slept with her head approximately one foot away on the other side of a wall from an electrical panel containing two electric smart meters. “Anything that carries an electric current or emits any radiation” now causes her headaches, brain fog, and internal burning. “I can no longer tolerate living in an urban environment,” she writes, “so I have moved to South Dakota, to a cleaner environment in the country. Because of the harms I was exposed to, I am separated from my family, which has contributed to my suffering… I have a nursing license, but can no longer work in my profession.” Maryann McCabe writes from the UK: “From the time [the smart meter] was turned on, I could not walk around in my flat, I could not write an email, I could not think and I could not sleep. It was an absolute nightmare until it was switched off.” Harriet Greene, formerly of New Mexico, writes: “I was able to opt out and keep my old meter. Everybody I talk to who was forced to accept smart meters has complained of numerous effects.” Lauren Bond writes, “Smart meters were installed in my building, and the radiation they emit inside apartments creates for myself, a constant burning pain to my skin.” Jeanne Thompson writes from California: “My mother died of a massive brain tumor caused by a row of six Smart Meters outside her condo, on the wall where the head of her bed was. We discovered this after she had already passed. You can imagine my shock and horror at that realization.” Dr. Linda Thomas writes, “I have seen hideous debility in adults and children secondary to Smart Meters being installed in my area.” These include absence seizures in a 2-year-old boy and chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in his mother. Mario Desira writes from Malta: “Back in 2017 my electrical meter caught fire and nearly caused a house fire. Luckily I was at home and intervened before anything worse happened.” Persephone Maywald writes from California that she was diagnosed with suspected Parkinson’s disease a few months after a smart meter was installed, and that she later had the meter replaced and within a few weeks all her symptoms disappeared. Simone St. Clare writes from California that since a smart meter was installed, there have been almost no hummingbirds at her feeders and a decrease in caterpillars in her garden. Deirdre Novella writes from New York that her hair started falling out within a few months of a smart meter being installed at her place of work, that she was diagnosed with leukemia, and that she developed a lifelong allergy to electricity. Sheila Reavill, who works as an electromagnetic radiation specialist (“EMRS”) in Georgia, writes that after smart meters were installed, “the smart meter signature I logged [on her radio frequency meter] in my bedroom was at the precise times I wake up at night”; that her next door neighbor and her neighbor’s daughter wake at the exact same time she does every night; that her border collie began having skin problems and would wake up whimpering at the exact same time also; and that she and her dog both wake up at that same time with diarrhea. Rebeca Randle writes from California that while she had a smart meter she could not sleep and there were no birds; and that when the smart meter was removed, the birds came back. Robert Workman, an EMRS in Missouri, writes: “I have confirmed injuries from wireless radiation and the Smart meter seems to be the most damaging to me and my clients. Once the ITRON electronic meter is removed many of my clients have an immediate response to an improved health. This meter has been torture to myself and others in St Louis, it is my professional opinion this meter kills all biological life.” Health practitioner Diane Peterson writes from California that “For the majority [of people], they suddenly developed symptoms and only later discovered that the symptoms began immediately after the smart meter was installed.” Sema Kelly writes: “My friend’s neighbor had a smart meter put in. She didn’t know it had such dangers, but soon found out her chickens in the yard had huge tumors growing on their throats and body. The eggs they laid were odd shapes and colors, and the chickens appeared to be tired, which was not ever seen prior to the installments of the smart meters.” Andre Fayolle writes that a smart meter gave his family headaches, caused the animals, birds and insects to disappear, and caused a fire that burned down his house. Karen Crenshaw writes from California that she had no knowledge of the dangers of smart meters until an Itron smart meter was installed on her house, after which she awoke abruptly every hour during the night, had uncomfortable ear sensations, acquired high-pitched tinnitus, and felt pressure in her chest. Annette Lillig writes from the UK: “Everyone I know who [has a smart meter] has been negatively affected by them.” Beverly Jennings writes: “In Capitola, CA an entire bank of smart meters burst into flames and started a fire and burned down an apartment complex.” Margaretha Tierney writes from Australia that she became sick two weeks after a smart meter was installed and was sick for five years until she had it moved off her house. Sarah Wild writes that she had heart palpitations, headache, and panic until her smart meter was removed. She writes that her 80-year-old neighbor “went from being extremely lively, active, outward-going to hobbling around and forgetful within 6 months” of a smart meter being installed and died within 18 months. Dino DeBenetti writes from Ontario, Canada that after a smart meter was installed, his wife’s health and behavior deteriorated, resulting in their divorce. He also writes that he has attempted to hatch fertile chicken eggs in an incubator in his house twice since the meter was installed, with over 20 fertile eggs each time, and not one egg hatched either time. Karen Blomquist writes from California that when smart meters were installed on her home she incurred inner ear damage, sleeplessness, anxiety, non-stop heart palpitations, and migraines, and fled her home after two months to save her life. She also reports that her pets all got cancer and passed away. Tina Cada writes from Florida that although she opted out of a smart meter on her own home, “[o]n the day they were getting installed [in her neighborhood], I walked outside and had no idea where I was. I had the worst kind of disorientation. This reaction was ongoing and lasted for the first few months.” She reports vertigo attacks that have continued, and constant dry mouth, that her teenage son has dry mouth, headaches and sleep disruptions, that her neighbor’s dog suddenly got cancer and died after the smart meters were installed, that her cat started acting differently, and that all the bats disappeared. Laurie Grams writes from Texas that she lives in an apartment complex and so could not opt out, and has had sleep problems and agitation since smart meters were installed. Jennifer Wood writes from West Virginia that “I have literally known thousands of people over the past nine years or so who became so ill when smart meters were installed in their homes that they had to move just as I did.” Elizabeth Foley Walsh writes from North Carolina that she knew nothing about smart meters until after one was installed in her home and she began having severe headaches, dizziness, and temporal lobe seizures the following week. She writes that she thought she was dying until she went camping one week and the symptoms disappeared; that her next door neighbor’s headaches began the same time hers did; that an elderly neighbor across the street began falling repeatedly immediately after their headaches began; and that when she finally moved to a location without a smart meter she “was stunned at the change in my health.” She observed that “the frogs disappeared the very summer after the smart meter went in”—the hundreds of frogs that previously inhabited the creek behind their back yard—and that all the house sparrows and starlings disappeared, and that squirrels were “suddenly tame and suddenly laying down ‘resting’ a lot. They seem to be panting and they seem to be sick.” She writes that she has had to leave an 18-year career in developmental epidemiology. Rainer Grobe writes that on the same day a smart water meter was installed, his wife developed heart arrhythmia, very high blood pressure, and fainted, and that they had to remove the meter themselves, with both legal and financial consequences. Kent Casady writes from Germany that he and his wife purchased a house with a smart meter, and when they moved in there were no insects, bees, butterflies or birds, and “[t]he dirt in the yard was dead.” After they had the smart meter removed, they had “earthworms in the soil, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, spiders, and other creatures.” Kimberly Webber, in Taos, New Mexico, writes that although they were able to opt out of a smart meter at their home, they were unable to opt-out at their place of business, and that “[w]e noticed agitation, irritability, depression, headaches, ear ringing and other symptoms from ourselves and our employees while in the work space.” They moved their business to a new location without a smart meter and “[a]ll of the symptoms have disappeared for us and our team.” Ellen Habeck writes: “Until I researched the matter, I could not understand why I had such fragmented sleep, and would wake with severe tachycardia. I thought my heart would beat out of my chest. There was not sleep and no ability to function well in the morning after that.” Finally, “I looked and found the place I had moved to had a smart meter outside the bedroom wall.” She adds: “There is a neighbor who asked me why she thought she would feel unwell when working for hours in a particular room in her house. She also noted that any plants she put in that room died, where they had been thriving in other rooms. I looked and saw there was a smart meter directly on the other side of the wall of that room where she sat, and a neighbor’s smart meter pointing at fairly close proximity to that room.” Arlene Griffin is a Santa Fe resident who briefly lived in southern California in 2019-2020. She writes: “I had no history of heart problems, but upon moving into a house in a development in San Diego County, I was jolted awake every night, feeling like what it would be like to be hit with defibrillator paddles. Once awake, my heart would alternate between pounding, racing, and skipping beats for the rest of the night, and I would shake for hours. I also developed eye issues—my eyes burned and were red and swollen. Each day I would feel better when I left our house, but each night the horrible symptoms would return. It was terrifying and exhausting… We hired an inspector who tested our house for RF/EMF radiation and found that the high readings were not coming from our property (we had an analog meter), but from our neighbor’s house. It so happened that her meter directly faced our bedrooms… Finally, in September 2020 I returned to New Mexico for good, and I have not had those heart symptoms here.” Stephanie Dickerson writes from North Carolina that she is “currently suffering every single day and especially nights from the newly installed” smart meters in her neighborhood, and that “I have been forced from 3 previous home locations because of smartmeter installations… My heart rate has become dangerously high, my body temperature can not regulate, I experience constant vibrating in my torso and in my legs, my brain function has deteriorated and I can not sleep at all. This physical response to the newly installed smartmeters is life-threatening to me.” Brenda Rogers writes from California that she “had to leave my home in a camper to find somewhere I could sleep” because of a smart meter, and that she had to abandon her home of 30 years. Catherine Ralston lives in Taos. “A smart meter was put in at my address,” she writes. “I started having trouble sleeping at night. I started having headaches. I stopped waking up happy. My emotions were flatline. This happened quickly, over a couple of weeks. Someone told me about symptoms showing up in people after smart meters were installed where they live. I went looking for the smart meter. Then I moved my bed to a location in the building as far from the meter as I could put it, and slept with my head at the end of the bed furthest from the meter location. I slept through the night, and woke with no headache. I do not own the property and the owner won’t work with the electric company to give back the old meter. I feel blessed someone told me about the horrible impact the smart meters have on human health.” Glenn Kikel moved to New Mexico from Colorado. He writes that when a smart meter was installed on their Colorado house, he developed tinnitus and his wife developed heart palpitations, and that both health problems ceased when the meter was moved. Diane Craig writes that she “experienced severe tinnitus, tremors, short-term memory issues, and an area at the back of my neck at the base of my skull that was hot to my husband’s touch” in a 4-hour period after a smart meter was installed 10 feet beyond the head of her bed. They paid for opt-outs for both themselves and a neighbor in order to be well, she writes. Alvita Armanavičienė, from Latvia, submitted this startling photograph of a bush standing just inches away from a smart meter: Simone Bercu writes that she and her family left their homes in other states to come to New Mexico five years ago to escape smart meters. “The smart meters were devastating our small children and ourselves and the effects are still noticeable,” she writes. Annie Mattingly, of Santa Fe, writes, “My daughter, living in another state, was away when a Smart Meter was installed on her house. Within days of her healthy arrival home, she became ill and now, several years later, she is still plagued with health issues and is only partially functional.” M. L. writes from Pennsylvania: “When our meter started transmitting, I noticed two birds that had died within approximately 25 feet of it.” Lukas Zillmer writes: “I have personal experience of bad sleep, waking up at night, waking up still tired from being exposed to the radiation by smart meters which made life almost unbearable.” Simone Prince writes from British Columbia, Canada that her cat developed hyperthyroidism when a smart meter was installed on her townhouse, and that she herself changed from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism at the same time. Arthur Firstenberg wrote: If you have stories to add and you have not yet sent them to the PRC, please email them to: New Mexico PRC . Write “Case No. 22-00058-UT” in the Subject line. Be sure to also send a copy to me at Arthur@cellphonetaskforce.org. We need all the help we can get to preserve New Mexico as a refuge from smart meters, and as an example to the world. Arthur Firstenberg President, New Mexicans for Utility Safety President, Cellular Phone Task Force.
- Lula complete criminal let out of jail to be placed like Biden
They're all in the club
- Your Brain Under Siege: Is This 'Micro Menace' to Blame?
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/09/11/microplastics.aspx They choke our oceans and pollute our food supply. Could these invisible particles also be infiltrating your body, accumulating in your lungs, kidney, liver, heart and brain - even crossing the blood-brain barrier and triggering behavioral changes akin to dementia? Microplastics May Be Harming Your Body and Brain STORY AT-A-GLANCE Discarded plastic — both large and microscopic — circles the globe, choking our oceans and polluting our food supply, ultimately finding their way into your body where they can accumulate over time Scientists have detected microplastic in all kinds of human tissues, including the placenta, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, heart, brain and stool. In 2022, Dutch scientists also confirmed the presence of microplastics in meat and milk, as well as the blood of both farm animals and humans Austrian researchers found plastic microparticles migrate into the brains of mice within two hours of drinking water contaminated with microplastic. Once in the brain, these plastic microparticles can increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Other recent research found it can trigger behavioral changes akin to dementia in as little as three weeks Microplastics are toxic to cells. Research shows microplastic particles enter cells within 24 hours of exposure and primarily accumulate around the nucleus of the cell. As levels of microplastics and exposure time increase, cell viability significantly decreases Chinese scientists discovered microplastics in the heart tissue of 15 patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, and some of this plastic appears to be introduced during the surgery itself ____________________________________________________________________________________________ We live in a throwaway society. The next time you’re in a grocery store, take a look around you and note the number of items packaged in plastic. The problem is, many of these petroleum-based plastics will last forever. So we have products for short-term consumption packaged in materials that survive for centuries, endangering wildlife and human health alike all the while. Discarded plastic — both large and microscopic — circles the globe, choking our oceans and polluting our food supply, ultimately finding their way into your body where they can accumulate over time. In recent years, scientists have detected microplastic in all kinds of human tissues, including the placenta,1 lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, heart, brain2 and stool. In 2022, Dutch scientists also confirmed the presence of microplastics in meat and milk, as well as the blood of both farm animals and humans.3,4 In all, nearly 80% of meat and dairy products tested contained microplastics. Shockingly, it was revealed that many feed producers will use expired food products in their processing — with the plastic packaging left on! Microplastic Rapidly Enters Your Brain In May 2023, The Guardian reported5 on Austrian research,6,7 which found plastic microparticles migrated into the brains of mice within two hours of drinking water contaminated with microplastic. "Using computer models to track the dispersion of the plastics, researchers found that nanoplastic particles — which are under 0.001 millimeters and invisible to the naked eye — were able to travel into the mice’s brains via a previously unknown biological ‘transport mechanism,’" The Guardian wrote. "Essentially, these tiny plastics are absorbed into cholesterol molecules on the brain membrane surface. Thus stowed away in their little lipid packages, they cross the blood-brain-barrier — a wall of blood vessels and tissue that functions to protect the brain from toxins and other harmful substances." Once in the brain, these plastic microparticles "could increase the risk of inflammation, neurological disorders or even neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s," the researchers warned, and these concerns were recently echoed by scientists at the University of Rhode Island. Microplastics Trigger Dementia-Like Behavioral Changes The research, published in the August 2023 issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences,8 showed that microplastics extensively infiltrate the body, including the brain, and can trigger behavioral changes akin to dementia in as little as three weeks. Here, young and old mice (4-month-olds and 21-month-olds) were exposed to varying levels of microplastics in their drinking water for three weeks. During behavioral testing at the end of the three weeks, many of the animals were found to exhibit dementia-like behavior. The changes were more pronounced in older animals, which the researchers theorized might be due to "age-related dysfunction exasperating the effects of the PS-MPs [polystyrene microplastics] on behavioral performance." Lead researcher Jaime Ross called the finding "striking," because "These were not high doses of microplastics." As reported by the New York Post:9 "After dissecting the animals, the researchers found the particles had started to accumulate in every organ, including the brain and in bodily waste. Because the microplastics were ingested by mouth, it was expected they would be found in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys — but their expansion to other tissues was shocking. ‘The detection of microplastics in tissues such as the heart and lungs, however, suggests that the microplastics are going beyond the digestive system and likely undergoing systemic circulation,’ Ross explained. ‘The brain blood barrier is supposed to be very difficult to permeate. It is a protective mechanism against viruses and bacteria, yet these particles were able to get in there. It was actually deep in the brain tissue.’ The experts noted that the microplastics’ penetration of brain tissue may lead to a decrease in glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP], which supports cell processes in the brain. ‘A decrease in GFAP has been associated with early stages of some neurodegenerative diseases, including mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as depression,’ Ross shared. ‘We were very surprised to see that the microplastics could induce altered GFAP signaling.’" Microplastics May Speed Onset of Neurodegenerative Disease As explained in the paper,10 GFAP is found in mature astrocytes (cells found in your brain and spinal cord), and is involved in cellular processes such as autophagy, neurotransmitter uptake and astrocyte development. GFAP is commonly used as a marker for neuroinflammation. Oddly enough, GFAP levels were slightly lower in the mice that had been exposed to microplastics, compared to controls, which is atypical if inflammation is part of the problem. However, the authors pointed out that previous studies have found that "GFAP expression might decrease in early stages of certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, or in younger patients with disorders such as Major Depressive Disorder." Such studies suggest that "early pathology/early onset of disease may be characterized by astrocyte atrophy (as opposed to astrocyte hypertrophy later on), which may result in decreased GFAP expression." Microplastics Are Cytotoxic and Boost Inflammation The International Journal of Molecular Sciences paper11 also concluded that microplastics are cytotoxic, which means they’re toxic to cells. The microplastic particles were found to enter cells within 24 hours of exposure, and primarily accumulated around the nucleus of the cell. And, as levels of microplastics and exposure time increased, cell viability significantly decreased. They also found alterations in immune markers. For example, expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), an inflammatory cytokine, was two-fold higher in the livers of exposed mice, compared to unexposed controls. Weathered Plastic Triggers More Severe Inflammatory Response In another recent experiment, researchers looked at the impact of weathered microplastics on human brain cells, compared to brand-new plastic, showing microplastic that has been degraded by environmental exposure causes a more severe inflammatory response. As explained by Science Alert:12 "While previous research13 has tested the effects newly minted plastics have on our brain cells, DGIST [Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology] biologist Hee-Yeon Kim and colleagues challenged them with weathered particles instead. They took a close look at how our brains' immune cells, microglia, respond to weathered polystyrene-derived microplastics compared with similarly-sized 'virgin' ones. Feeding weathered microplastics to mice for seven days increased levels of inflammatory particles in their blood. They also experienced increased cell death in their brains. So the researchers then compared weathered polystyrene bits in human microglia grown in the lab ... Kim and colleagues found the weathered microplastics affected proteins involved in breaking down sugars into energy, increasing their expression in the microglial cells 10 to 15 times more than in cells belonging to control groups. They also increased the concentrations of proteins involved in brain cell death by a factor of 5. The team suspects this may be to do with the changes microplastics encounter once exposed to sunlight. Polystyrene absorbs UV waves, causing the plastic to become more brittle and prone to fragmentation. Kim and team found weathered polystyrene had increased surface area and altered chemical bonds; two properties that that affect their reactivity. This all amounts to an increased inflammatory response by brain cells — far more severe than what was produced by unweathered microplastics tested at equivalent doses. ‘We have, for the first time, identified that plastic leaked into the environment undergoes an accelerated weathering process, transforming into secondary microplastics that can serve as neurotoxic substances, leading to increased inflammation and cell death in the brain,’ explains [DGIST biologist Sung-Kyun] Choi." This could have important implications for human health, considering a significant portion of the microplastic we consume is through food. Plastic trash in the oceans degrade into microplastic through photosynthesis (exposure to the sun), and those bits are then consumed by fish that end up on our dinner plates. Microplastics Accumulate in Your Blood and Heart Chinese scientists also recently discovered microplastics in the heart tissue of 15 patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery.14 As reported in a press release:15 "... in a pilot study of people who underwent heart surgery, researchers in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology report that they have found microplastics in many heart tissues. They also report evidence suggesting that microplastics were unexpectedly introduced during the procedures ... [The] researchers collected heart tissue samples from 15 people during cardiac surgeries, as well as pre- and post-operation blood specimens from half of the participants. Then the team analyzed the samples with laser direct infrared imaging and identified 20 to 500 micrometer-wide particles made from eight types of plastic, including polyethylene terephthalate, polyvinyl chloride and poly(methyl methacrylate). This technique detected tens to thousands of individual microplastic pieces in most tissue samples, though the amounts and materials varied between participants. All of the blood samples also contained plastic particles, but after surgery their average size decreased, and the particles came from more diverse types of plastics. Although the study had a small number of participants, the researchers say they have provided preliminary evidence that various microplastics can accumulate and persist in the heart and its innermost tissues. They add that the findings show how invasive medical procedures are an overlooked route of microplastics exposure, providing direct access to the bloodstream and internal tissues." The following graphic showing where the various plastic particles were found, and their potential sources, was published by the New York Post, August 12, 2023.16 While this study did not theorize about plastic’s contribution to heart disease, considering its impact on inflammation and cell viability, it’s certainly feasible that it could be a contributing factor. Plastic Exposure Adds Up In late 2020, research by the World Wildlife Federation International estimated that the average person consumes about 5 grams of plastic every week, which is about the weight of a credit card.17 "In the average lifetime, a person will consume about 40 pounds of microplastic. While much of this will pass through you, some will remain and accumulate in your organs." Over time, that really adds up. According to the WWF’s calculations,18 each month, you consume about 21 grams, or the equivalent of one Lego brick. In a year’s time, you’ve consumed 250 grams, or the size of a full dinner plate’s-worth of plastic. In 10 years, you’ve ingested some 5.5 pounds, and in the average lifetime, a person will consume about 40 pounds. While much of this will pass through and be eliminated through your stool, some will remain and accumulate in your organs. How to Lower Your Microplastic Exposure Considering much of the microplastic in your body comes from food and water, it would be wise to use a high-quality water filtration system for your home, and opt for organic grass fed and grass finished meats whenever possible. Avoid any meats or animal products from livestock (or farmed fish) that have been fed feed pellets, as these can contain microplastic from food packaging that have been processed in. Also, try to reduce your plastic consumption and generation of plastic trash in general. For example, use reusable shopping bags when buying groceries, use your own coffee mug when getting coffee to go, skip the plastic wrap on your dry cleaning, and use a fabric shower curtain instead of a plastic one. This will reduce the amount of plastic ending up in landfills and the ocean. Bring drinking water from home in glass water bottles instead of buying bottled water, and store foods in glassware or mason jars instead of plastic bags. You can also take your own leftover container to restaurants. Strategies such as these will help to reduce the amount of plastic that can migrate into your food. Definitely never microwave food in plastic containers. These are just a handful of examples. Plastic is all around us and can be extremely difficult to avoid. But if you start looking around, you may find many areas of your life where you can eliminate the use of plastic and replace the it with something inert that won’t harm the environment and your health.
- The police state is here. This movie will expose it all.