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- Zionist Saudi prince joins the growing bandwagon to condemn Israel.
A Zionist Saudi prince joins the growing bandwagon to condemn Israel. The current Saudi Arabia's impostor rulers and their cult of Wahhabism are originally of Jewish origin - The Donmeh Jews from Turkey. They are crypto Jews, not Arabs and were installed by the British Crown. After conspiring with Israel for decades, the House of Saud have now also joined the chorus against Israel, at the behest of the Cabal string pullers. Both Israel and Palestine are being dismantled whilst these sideline commentators read their scripts. Why? Any form of Nationalism is an antithesis to Global One World Government so, must be destroyed.
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Study Finds New Chemicals Associated with Breast Cancer Risk
https://beyondpesticides.org/dailynewsblog/2023/10/breast-cancer-awareness-month-study-finds-new-chemicals-associated-with-breast-cancer-risk/ (Beyond Pesticides, October 12, 2023) A new study published in Environment International finds novel environmental chemicals (i.e., piperidine insecticide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, benzo[a]carbazole, and a benzoate derivative) involved in developing breast cancer through various inflammation pathways. These new potential factors contribute to breast cancer and highlight the importance of employing epidemiological biomonitoring like exposome (total exposure from birth to death) to discover mechanisms involved in disease development that are otherwise overlooked. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breast cancer is a disease that causes breast cells to grow out of control, with the type of breast cancer depending on the cells themselves. Several studies and reports, including U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data, identify hundreds of chemicals as influential factors (either promoting or initiating) associated with breast cancer risk. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, accounting for 12 percent of all new annual cancer cases worldwide and causing the second most cancer-related deaths in the United States. Past studies suggest genetic inheritance factors influence breast cancer occurrence. However, genetic factors only play a minor role in the incidence of breast cancer, while exposure to external environmental factors (e.g., chemical exposure) appears to play a more notable role. One in ten women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis, and genetics can only account for five to ten percent of cases. There are grave concerns over exposure to endocrine (hormone) disrupting chemicals and pollutants that cause adverse health effects. Therefore, studies like these highlight the need to investigate how first-generation pesticide exposure can impact future generational health to prevent adverse health outcomes, especially during sensitive developmental periods (i.e., in utero, infancy/childhood). This study employs omics scale (cell constituents) biomonitoring to determine associations with a disease, also known as “exposome epidemiology.” The goal is to investigate potential new environmental factors influencing breast cancer risk. Using nontargeted, high-resolution mass spectrometry, researchers test the association between pregnancy cohorts from the Child Health and Development Studies (CHDS) and breast cancer incidence from the California Cancer Registry. The research evaluates second and third-trimester samples from the CHDS database to analyze environmental chemicals involved in the development of breast cancer among 182 women and 384 randomly selected women who did not develop breast cancer. Researchers distinguish environmental chemicals using the Toxin and Toxin-Target Database to determine chemical signals with the highest association in breast cancer cases. Researchers employ the exposome epidemiology analysis to establish a framework that identifies suspected chemicals. The study results find that exposure to environmental chemicals during the second and third trimesters exacerbates inflammation pathways associated with breast cancer, including linoleate, arachidonic acid, and prostaglandins. These chemicals include an N-substituted piperidine insecticide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, benzo[a]carbazole, and a benzoate derivative linked to glycan and amino sugar metabolism. Inheritance of health issues spanning generations relating to hereditary influence is a familiar phenomenon. However, this study demonstrates multigenerational/transgenerational health problems from chemical exposure, a non-genetic factor. Epigenetic changes occur through environmental factors that alter gene expression that can impact multiple future generations. Considering two-thirds of all breast cancer incidences are related to factors outside of heritable gene mutations (e.g., BRCA1 and BRCA2), chemical exposure can explain the increasing rates of breast cancer. Many studies have long shown that childhood and in-utero exposure to environmental chemicals increases the risk of developing breast cancer later in life. According to multiple studies, glyphosate exposure has adverse multigenerational effects, causing negligible observable effects on pregnant rodents but severe effects on the two subsequent generations. Recent research from the Silent Spring Institute links 28 different EPA-registered pesticides with the development of mammary gland tumors in animal studies. Many of these chemicals are endocrine disruptors and thus have implications for breast cancer risk. Household cleaners, mainly pesticides, contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals that increase breast cancer risk. Furthermore, long-term exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides increases adverse health and cancer risk, specifically among women. Since DDT/DDE residues, current-use pesticides, and other chemical pollutants contaminate the environment, exposure to these chemical mixtures can synergize to increase toxicity and disease effects. Pregnancy provides the most appropriate timeframe to study potential disease development, especially for the initiation, progression, and susceptibility to breast cancer. Past studies note later age pregnancy is a significant breast cancer risk factor, which is considerable given birth rates have increased six-fold for women ages 35–39. Thus, the study calls for a “more detailed understanding of the respective contributions and interactions must be a priority to learn how to mitigate risk for this population group of higher risk women.” The exposome epidemiology approach that this study uses is essential as it assumes “chemical exposures which increase cancer risk can occur decades before breast cancer occurrence, that these exposures are detectable and at higher abundance in serum decades before breast cancer detection, and that network analyses of HRM [high-resolution metabolomics] data are sufficient to detect these exposures and link them to biologic responses.” Considering research over the past 50 years lacks development of a strategy to prevent breast cancer, using the exposome approach can allow analysis to more readily identify chemical carcinogens and the pathways involved in disease development. Past research demonstrates the mechanism by which cancer can develop after pesticides enter the bloodstream. In 2013, an experimental study showed that pesticide exposure produces volatile reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause potential DNA and cell damage that propagates cancer development. Additionally, pesticides can increase cancer risk through alternate mechanisms, including genotoxicity (gene damage), epigenetics (gene expression), immunotoxicity, tumors, and endocrine disruption. Accordingly, this study advocates for the integration of omics scale biomonitoring (exposome epidemiology) with these other risk factors to enhance prediction and intervention strategies, subsequently decreasing the disease burden. Therefore, it is essential to understand how external stimuli—like environmental pollution from pesticides—can drive breast cancer development, as female health risks need urgent concerns. Prevention of the causes of breast cancer, not just awareness, is critical to solving this disease. In 1985, Imperial Chemical Industries and the American Cancer Society declared October “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” as part of a campaign to promote mammograms for the early detection of breast cancer. Unfortunately, most people are all too aware of breast cancer. Detection and treatment of cancers do not prevent the problem. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Much pesticide use and exposure are associated with cancer effects. Studies concerning pesticides and cancer help future epidemiological research understand the underlying mechanisms that cause cancer. Although the link between agricultural practices and pesticide-related illnesses is stark, over 63 percent of commonly used lawn pesticides and 70 percent of commonly used school pesticides have links to cancer. Advocates argue that global leaders must fully understand the cause of pesticide-induced diseases before the chemicals enter the environment. Policy reform and practices that eliminate toxic pesticide use can end the uncertainty surrounding potential harm. For more information on the multiple health effects associated with pesticides, see Beyond Pesticides’ Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database pages on breast cancer, endocrine disruption, and other diseases. This database supports the need for strategic action to shift away from pesticide dependency. Moreover, proper prevention practices, like buying, growing, and supporting organics, can eliminate exposure to toxic pesticides. Organic agriculture has many health and environmental benefits that curtail the need for chemical-intensive agricultural practices. Regenerative organic agriculture nurtures soil health through organic carbon sequestration, preventing pests and generating a higher return than chemical-intensive agriculture. For more information on how the organic choice is the right choice, see the Beyond Pesticides webpage, Health Benefits of Organic Agriculture. All unattributed positions and opinions in this piece are those of Beyond Pesticides. Source: Environment International
- Australian beef no longer safe to consume, $12 billion of annual exports threatened by vaccine
https://cairnsnews.org/2023/10/12/australian-beef-no-longer-safe-to-consume-12-billion-of-annual-exports-threatened-by-vaccine/ Date: October 12, 2023 By Jim O’Toole, Townsville bureau Researchers have begun inoculating Australian cattle with dangerous mRNA toxins rendering beef as no longer safe to consume. At the end of August the NSW Department of Agriculture began inoculation trials to develop a mRNA vaccine to treat bovine diseases. This bloke, David Foote is the token Chairman of Cattle Australia. He is a perennial rural industry identity and National Party stooge getting exposure to nominate for a safe seat in a future election, in the same manner as most others on the board. The NSW Agricultural Department claims the mRNA gene-altering shot for cattle could protect against Foot and Mouth disease and Lumpy Skin disease. Vaccine producer Pfizer admitted its mRNA human vaccine, thought to be responsible for 33,000 excess Australian deaths in 2021-22, had an efficacy of just 2 per cent and in its human trials Pfizer admitted the experimental vaccine had severely injured participants. https://www.mla.com.au/news-and-events/industry-news/mla-funds-mrna-technology-project-to-rapidly-produce-emergency-animal-disease-vaccines/ This bloke, David Foote is the token Chairman of Cattle Australia. He is a perennial rural industry identity and National Party stooge getting exposure to nominate for a safe seat in a future election, in the same manner as most others on the board. How could any government in its right mind contaminate a food source with such an insidious gene-altering toxin? While the cattle industry is struggling because of market manipulation by its biggest meat packer, the Brazilian JBS Swift, producers are being paid a pittance for quality cattle on the open market. Prices are almost back to 1975 levels which saw many bankruptcies and farmers leave the land in a trail of destruction when the industry lost two generations of capable land managers and cattle breeders. Should the present cattle prices stay the same or slide further downwards, by the end of 2024 the nation will experience a similar brain drain to that of the 70’s making way for corporate farming to pick up family farms for next to nothing. The Claytons cattle producer representative body, Cattle Australia, with career National Party members on its board, will not investigate or even admit the dangerous mRNA toxic inoculation could see the red meat industry slide into oblivion. https://cattleaustralia.com.au/ We are unaware of what inoculation trials the department has conducted on private farms across the state as previous communications with ag department bureaucrats proved unsatisfactory. There is no question that consumers will boycott red meat now that the NSW trial has begun. Chickens are next. It will sound the death knell for the beef and sheep meat industry. Sheep have already been injected with an experimental mRNA shot in NSW trials. We warn our overseas and Australian readers to be very careful when buying Australian beef. By now the Agricultural Department has more than likely released some or all of their surviving vaccinated cattle from trials onto the market where they would be killed and end up in a butcher shop or if suitable quality, in a box bound overseas. Ground beef for the American hamburger market could be another destination. Although we have seen evidence Macdonalds is not too fussy about what goes into their beef, we are certain consumers would not stomach mRNA spike proteins or graphene nanoparticles as found in human Covid vaccines. Certainly our largest buyer of live export cattle, Indonesia needs little excuse to ban our cattle again. Australia’s largest meat packer, JBS Swift has been fined $280 million USD for paying bribes to government officials and price fixing. How have government officials and politicians fared in Australia? Has JBS engaged in bribery and commodity price fixing here? https://thehill.com/policy/finance/521070-owners-of-meatpacker-jbs-to-pay-280m-fine-over-foreign-bribery-charges/ Here is some further information. 1. mRNA vaccines for livestock - https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/dpi/about-us/research-and-development/projects/biosecurity/mrna-vaccines-for-livestock 2. MLA funds mRNA technology project to rapidly produce emergency animal disease vaccines - https://www.mla.com.au/news-and-events/industry-news/mla-funds-mrna-technology-project-to-rapidly-produce-emergency-animal-disease-vaccines/ 3. mRNA project aims to rapidly produce cattle disease vaccines - https://www.beefcentral.com/news/mrna-technology-project-aims-to-rapidly-produce-cattle-disease-vaccines/ Isn't it sad that farmers are silent about what the politicians and bureaucrats have done to their industry... and YOU. and those 'trusty' FactCheckers... well... it might be time Australians start to learn to read between the lines.. (because they are CORRECT that the government hasn't 'announced it'... but..- its 'legal speak') Australia hasn’t announced ‘mass injections’ of mRNA vaccines for livestock - https://apnews.com/ap-fact-check/australia-hasnt-announced-mass-injections-of-mrna-vaccines-for-livestock-00000188e8ffd582afdeffffc0520000
- Take stock...
Australia’s Biden. A national embarrassment.
- Pharma/EU Cabal Set Trap For Reiner Füellmich
https://expose-news.com/2023/10/17/pharma-eu-cabal-set-trap-for-reiner-fuellmich/ “The Pharma/Globalist Cabal Arrested Reiner Füellmich For Exposing Them In German Courts” according to Howell Woltz who says “I’m just surprised he stayed free this long. The Globalist who tried to kill us really hate Reiner Füellmich.” German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who had been working on a project known as the “Second Nuremburg” to hold the perpetrators of the Covid plot accountable, was seized over the weekend by German authorities in Mexico where he and his wife had been staying. Dr. Fuellmich had reportedly lost his passport and scheduled a visit to the German embassy in Tiajuana, Mexico. When he arrived, German authorities were waiting for him and whisked him onto a plane bound for Munich, Germany, where they then arrested him. The Following article was published on Richardson Post website, where Howell Woltz helps to explain the real reason why Reiner Füellmich was arrested. PHARMA/EU CABAL SET TRAP FOR FOLK HERO, REINER FÜELLMICH “The first legal volley over MRNA jabs came from German/American attorney, Reiner Füellmich—a hero to all free people“ As I told our mutual friend, Elsa Schieder of Truth Summit (above) when she shared this news of Reiner’s arrest yesterday, “I’m just surprised he stayed free this long. The Globalist who tried to kill us really hate Reiner Füellmich.” The hapless Olaf Sholz and his government in Germany are as popular as Monkey Pox in a gay bath house so they have to shut down the facts now revealed that the vaccine they forced on their people has killed far more than the Wuhan virus. The data has shockingly revealed that the vaccinated population accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths in the 12 months between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 94% of Covid Deaths Are Fully Vaxxed, Study Shows A new study based on official government data has revealed that 94% of Covid deaths were among patients who were fully vaccinated for the virus. News Addicts ____________________________________________________________________________________________ They must suppress the truth of these 17 million deaths—and anyone telling it—which is why they plotted to destroy Reiner Füellmich. Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas while travelling in Mexico, so they applied at the German Embassy in Tijuana for replacements. When they came to the embassy to collect the documents, however, Reiner’s wife was allowed to go free—but he was arrested on warrants from two of Pfizer’s largest beneficiaries of these crimes against humanity—Germany and the the E.U.! E.U.! REINER IS THE FATHER OF NUREMBURG 2.0—THE VIRTUAL TRIAL OF THE VAXX CRIMINALS There has been no greater voice in exposing the truth about the poisons forced on Europe by the EU and Germany than this hero, Reiner Füellmich, so from a wicked Globalist Machiavellian point of view, I get it. Coincidence? Just after Reiner’s event exposed the vaxx criminals of EU governments and pharma to the entire world, those same financial beneficiaries filed criminal complaints against him! Like Lorenzo de Medici deciding he had to take out the priest, Savonarola, to defend his family’s reputation in Florence, Olaf Sholz and Ursula von der Leyen targeted Dr. Füellmich. It wasn’t because he lied—oh no—like Giarolamo Savonarola, Dr. Füellmich is being destroyed for demanding the vaccine tests and studies required by law, which neither Sholz nor von der Leyen ever took the time to allow! In other words, the documents in German court today prove that they—Sholz and von der Leyen—broke the law, not Reiner Füellmich, who simply demanded the evidence required before they could approve, buy or mandate the poison. And just like other truth tellers, Dr. Füellmich must be silenced to protect the criminal class—but it’s all coming out next month—as you’ll read ahead. SO AT THIS POINT, A CRIME MUST BE CREATED Savanarola—on the left—(and other enemies of the Medici) claimed their bank was insolvent and had been using the funds of Florence. The money was actually loaned to the Pope (or a bribe?)—and repaid—but facts do not matter at this point in such situations or stories, the accusation alone is important. Without seeing any proof—which would have humiliated the Pope and Church— Savanarola simply preached from the pulpit of Medici misdeeds until the people of Florence rose up against them—and put Savanarola in power! But that is where the similarity between these two shills of power ends—(other than perhaps the fact that Savanarola was hung by the Florentines six years later). The accuser—on the right—being used by the European Union and the German government, is Viviane Fischer, a little known attorney, made famous through her association with Reiner Füellmich’s exposure of German and E.U. crimes. AND THIS IS WHERE THEY ALWAYS CUT A DEAL I worked on over 400 criminal federal cases and literally wrote the book on such judicial crimes, Justice Denied: the United States v. The People—so I know the drill. First, the target is identified, second, a crime is fabricated or found, then ‘witnesses’ are groomed to say what needs to be said in court Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria was known to tell Josef Stalin when he needed some pesky truth teller removed, “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime,” and off to the gulag he or she went. That is precisely how this still works in America and Europe, which learned a great deal from Stalin and his Soviet Union, unfortunately. The ‘crime’ used to arrest Reiner Füellmich is an allegation that 1.35 million Euro is missing from a three-person account used to prosecute their cases against the government(s) and pharma companies. So it seems the prosecutors cut a deal and turned the lovely Viviane against her mentor, putting her on every media outlet they can find to claim that Reiner Füellmich stole money from the cause which he personally founded. There is just one problem with the case (they never intended to bring to trial) and thanks to some digging, the truth has escaped which will require its dismissal. The money is still in the account. I would bet tuppence to Pound Sterling that Viviane has been offered immunity from this yet to occur crime, in agreement to read their script against one of the finest people in the truth community, Dr. Reiner Füellmich. The fourth International Covid Summit revealing the vaxxers’ crimes is in a place they can’t control, Nov. 18-19 COINCIDENCE THAT THE GLOBALIST/PHARMA CABAL CHOSE THIS MOMENT TO TAKE OUT DR. FÜELLMICH? ICS 4 will present evidence that can place all the participants of this crime against humanity in the docks of Dr. Füellmich’s NUREMBURG 2.0. Better, that truth will be revealed in Bucharest, Romania next month—a place the Globalist do not (yet) control. ICS 3, which was held at the European Parliament on May 3rd of this year in Brussels, as example, has been viewed over 4 billion times to give you some idea of how scared these criminals are becoming. When four billion of the roughly seven billion people on the planet—many of whom have limited means of communication—know that you are a bloodthirsty killer who wantonly poisoned the world, where are you going to hide? Your only choice is to attack those telling the truth—by telling lies about them. But it won’t work in the end. The truth is out now and they are doomed, especially after ICS 4 next month in Romania. Dr. Füellmich will go down as a hero in this fight—and we will win in the end—but I beg all to pray for this fine man, Reiner Füellmich, while he is in the devil’s den. By Howell Woltz Richardson Post.
- Why do all of these suddenly fire-stricken locations happen to always be planned Smart Cities?
Interesting. Bali has been experiencing fires which are being blamed on drought conditions, which of course is possible. My question is, why do all of these suddenly fire-stricken locations happen to always be planned Smart Cities? News.com.au: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/shocking-footage-of-bali-landfills-on-fire-go-viral/news-story/f2a856a59c54277066c1c1c73d9c30e0 Widespread fires: https://thebalisun.com/shocking-footage-shows-mountain-of-trash-burning-in-bali/ Smart City community consultation doc: https://journal.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/kolaborasi/article/download/3664/2778
- The Psychological Playbook: Brainwashing Techniques to Increase “Vaccine” Uptake
https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-psychological-playbook-brainwashing-techniques-to-increase-vaccine-uptake It’s no accident that two-thirds of the world’s population fell for the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history. Thoroughly-studied brainwashing techniques were used. Here’s how they pulled it off. This article originally appeared on makismd.substack.com and was republished with permission. Guest post by Dr. William Papers Reviewed: 2023 Jun - Steffens et al - “Testing persuasive messages about booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines on intention to vaccinate in Australian adults: A randomised controlled trial” 2023 Apr - Kleitman et al - “The Psychology of COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy, Acceptance and Resistance in Australia” 2023 Mar - Limbu et al - “Why Some People Are Hesitant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters: A Systematic Review” 2023 Jan - Fisher et al - “Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among vaccine hesitant individuals” 2021 Dec - Erin James et al - “Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions” 2021 Sep - Kachurka et al - “Persuasive Messages Will Not Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance” (Polish people say fuck you to propaganda) 2021 Jun - Scott Ratzan et al - Missing the Point — How Primary Care Can Overcome Covid-19 Vaccine “Hesitancy” 2021 Feb - Stacy Wood et al - “Beyond Politics — Promoting Covid-19 Vaccination in the United States” 2023 Jun - Steffens et al - “Testing persuasive messages about booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines on intention to vaccinate in Australian adults: A randomised controlled trial” four propaganda messages were tested: 1. Personal health benefits - booster gives you protection 2. Community health benefits - booster reduces your risk of giving virus to your family, or people in the community who could get sick and die 3. Non-Health Benefits - travel, go to weddings, see family and friends, getting a booster reduces chance that restrictions will return 4. Personal agency - getting booster is a personal choice that give you control of your health and lets you protect people you care about. RESULTS: “messages emphasizing non-health benefits of getting a COVID-19 booster dose, like travelling, enjoying family occasions like weddings, and seeing family and friends, may increase intention to vaccinate, especially in hesitant populations.” “At the time, the Australian population had endured almost two years of public health restrictions, including lockdowns and international and domestic border closures. Being able to live more normally, free from restrictions, may have been top of mind, and hence what participants found the most persuasive.” “messages emphasizing personal agency may have negative impacts, especially with hesitant individuals.” “Hesitant individuals may have reacted negatively (psychological reactance) to suggestions about how they ought to behave, and what others approve or disapprove of regarding vaccination decisions” 2023 Apr - Kleitman et al - “The Psychology of COVID-19 Booster Hesitancy, Acceptance and Resistance in Australia” Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) identified three subgroups: Acceptant (61%), Hesitant (30%) and Resistant (9%). Hesitant and Resistant groups were less worried about catching COVID-19, used fewer official sources of COVID-19 info, checked the news less, were lower on the agreeableness personality dimension and reported more conservatism, persecutory thinking, amoral attitudes and need for chaos. Hesitant group (30%) also reported checking the legitimacy of information sources less, scored lower on the openness to new experiences personality dimension and were more likely than the Resistant and Acceptant groups to report regaining freedoms (e.g., travel) and work requirements or external pressures as reasons to get a booster Resistant group (9%) were higher on reactance, held more conspiratorial beliefs and rated their culture as being less tolerant of deviance than the Hesitant and Acceptant groups 2023 Mar - Limbu et al - “Why Some People Are Hesitant to Receive COVID-19 Boosters: A Systematic Review” COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Hesitancy Rate: North America is highest at 41% Europe 35% Asia 28% South America 28% younger people more reluctant to take boosters single or never married adults were more likely to be booster hesitant research on education and men vs women is mixed Compared to other occupations, health care workers, allied health professions, housewives, administrative staff & service workers were more likely to be booster hesitant. Vaccine Adverse Events were the most frequently reported predictor of hesitancy Reduced booster hesitancy: government mandates, booster recommendations from family or health care and community workers Increased booster hesitancy: when social networks or social media served as an important info source, or other factors: political messages discouraging boosters belief in natural immunity boosters are unnecessary personal health is in God’s hands COVID-19 is similar to seasonal flu “interventions that can harness normative social influence should be powerful. For example, information campaigns that rely on recommendations from celebrities, political figures, or groups trusted by the target audience should be more effective at reducing hesitancy” “Additionally, campaigns can explain how to overcome booster hesitancy among family and friends by providing information and strategies for effective normative influence on the booster hesitant from those close to them.” 2023 Jan - Fisher et al - “Impact of a physician recommendation on COVID-19 vaccination intent among vaccine hesitant individuals” Physicians and other healthcare providers are the most trusted source of information about the COVID-19 vaccine Recommendation from a physician has consistently been associated with higher rates of vaccine uptake for other vaccines such as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and influenza vaccines strong recommendation from a physician or healthcare provider may be influential in increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake and an important tool in fostering COVID-19 vaccine acceptance A presumptive style recommendation (e.g., “you are due for a flu shot”) is associated with increased vaccine uptake compared with a participatory style recommendation (e.g., “are you interested in getting a flu shot?”) Results: 33% became less hesitant following a doctor message 39% “as safe as the flu shot” message was most effective in reducing hesitancy 36% “I acknowledge your concerns, I’ve reviewed the studies” message 35% “protect others” message 34% “I recommend that you get it” 20% “What do you think?” message was least effective in reducing hesitancy Conclusion: “Encouraging physicians to provide an explicit recommendation is a promising means of increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the US” 2021 Dec - Erin James et al - “Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions” “Vaccination is both a self-interested and pro-social action - people protect themselves, but they also reduce chance of spreading disease to others” “people view vaccination as a social contract and are less willing to cooperate with the unvaxxed” “highlighting the reputational costs of choosing not to vaccinate could be an effective strategy for increasing uptake” “appeals to herd immunity and the pro-social aspect of vaccination have been shown to increase uptake” “messages that explain herd immunity increase willingness to receive a vaccine” “effective public health messages would also increase people’s willingness to encourage those close to them to vaccinate and to hold negative judgments of those who do not vaccinate” “by encouraging those close to them to vaccinate, people are both promoting compliance with social norms and increasing their own level of protection” “by judging those who do not vaccinate more negatively, they apply social pressure to others to promote cooperative behavior.” “free riders should be punished or ostracized for their past actions, to encourage pro-social outcomes” (a FREE RIDER is an unvaxxed person who is getting a “free ride” by getting protection from herd immunity that was created by the vaccinated around them who did the right thing") THE EXPERIMENTAL PROPAGANDA MESSAGES: baseline info = to end COVID-19 outbreak, must get jabbed, stops transmission, safe and effective, save millions of lives self-interest = reduces your risk of getting sick and dying, or long term disability community interest = reduces risk that members of your family and community could get sick and die (vaccination is a cooperative action to protect others) community interest + guilt = how guilty would you feel if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion) community interest + embarrassment = how embarrassed and ashamed would you be if you didn’t jab and gave COVID to someone you care about? (emotion) community interest + anger = how angry will you be if you didn’t jab and give COVID to someone you care about? (invoke emotion) not bravery = military, doctors, firefighters risk their lives to serve others, that’s bravery. Not getting jabbed is reckless, you risk health of your family, friends and community. To get jabbed is to show strength. (reputation, social image concerns) trust in science = unvaxxed are ignorant or confused about science, and you’ll show others how ignorant or confused you are (reputation, social image concerns) personal freedom = unvaxxed increase risk we lose our freedoms or govt lockdowns will return. We all keep our freedom by getting jabbed. economic freedom = unvaxxed increase risk of govt lockdowns returning, getting jabbed means we all keep our ability to work and earn a living. community economic benefit = getting jabbed strengthens national economy Most effective brainwashing techniques: to increase your willingness to jab: embarrassment, community, not bravery Guilt and embarrassment were most effective to increase your willingness to advise a friend to vaccinate Not bravery message was most effective to increase your negative judging of the unvaxxed. women responded more to the Trust in Science and Embarrassment, than men men responded more to the Not Bravery and Community Interest (without embarrassment) messages. Democrats were most easily brainwashed and responded to all messages Republicans appeared to react only to Community Interest, embarrassment Those high in vaccine confidence responded to all messages (all types of brainwashing) those low in confidence responded only to the Community Interest messages CONCLUSION: Experiment findings support the “idea that vaccination is often treated as a social contract in which people are expected to vaccinate and those who do not are sanctioned” “messages that invoked reputational concerns were successful at altering judgment of those who would free ride on the contributions of others” propaganda must be tailored to target women differently than men 2021 Sep - Kachurka et al - “Persuasive Messages Will Not Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance” (Polish people reject propaganda) 6000 Polish internet users were sampled Propaganda Messages tested: reputation of vaxx makers: they’re American Pfizer and German Biontech efficiency: over 90% safety: European Medicines Agency confirms they’re safe, mild side effects others want it: 75% of people want to get jabbed as soon as possible Science authority: scientists say it’s the only rational choice vaccine passport convenience: vaxxed will be able to travel, not wear mask, not quarantine, will make everyday life easier scarcity: not enough jabs for everyone thoroughly tested: over 100,000 people were tested in clinical trials Price (they show you one): jab is free, free and you get 15 Euro, costs 2 EUR, costs 15 EUR RESULTS: 45% of respondents were unwilling to get vaccinated none of the messages were effective in reducing this hesitancy politically aligned left or center meant 60-80% were willing to get jabbed politically right or “ultra-right” or “none” or “other” 30-50% were willing to get jabbed up to 70% said they didn’t trust the government. AUTHORS SUGGEST METHODS TO INCREASE VACCINE UPTAKE: 1. Focus on individual reasons - have their doctors try to convince them. 2. Turn those willing to be jabbed into “champions of the campaign” - through facebook stickers and physical stickers - and encourage them to talk to family and friends 3. Use reminders to ensure those who want to vaccinate actually follow through. 2021 Jun - Scott Ratzan et al - Missing the Point — How Primary Care Can Overcome Covid-19 Vaccine “Hesitancy” Among unvaccinated patients, there is a spectrum of vaccine “hesitance,” ranging from being “vaccine ready” to “vaccine neutral” to “vaccine resistant “vaccine ready” - must have ready access to vaccine to get them vaccinated “vaccine neutral” - may accept vaccination when seeking care for other problems, if vaccine is available and they get a “nudge” from a trusted clinician “vaccine resistant” - they must have “regularly scheduled doctor visits” - family doctors have a “core responsibility” to make preventive services including vaccination available, and persuade patients. “Primary care clinicians and trusted health care organizations often have the working relationships with community leaders to create solutions that fit local needs and preferences.” when boosters come, must put more focus on doctors, nurses, and community leaders who know how to create access, convey persuasive messages, and deliver care. 2021 Feb - Stacy Wood et al - “Beyond Politics — Promoting Covid-19 Vaccination in the United States” “Any successful marketing strategy will be multifaceted” “Consumer research and behavioral economics suggest 12 key strategies for an effective vaccine-promotion effort” 1. Segment public by identity barriers - must tailor propaganda to various groups (some incorporate masks into self-image as symbol of community responsibility, others see wearing masks as cowardice or weakness) 2. Find a common enemy - try to make the virus threat the common enemy 3. Use analogy - “war against COVID” 4. Increase observability - make vaccine status observable - vaxxed should wear tokens, bracelets, stickers, pins (like those given to voters), or “DIGITAL BADGES” - such as frames or banners for one’s social media profile photo - consumers’ ability to observe others’ choices can increase rate of adoption 5. Leverage Vaccine Scarcity - frame early access to vaccines as a mark of honor or respect for people we want to protect (first responders, older Americans, medical staff, teachers, essential workers). First responders who are healthy - getting vaccine priority is a sign of respect awarded to them. 6. Predict Negative Attributions - delays can be seen as govt incompetence, deployment in poor neighbourhoods can be seen as “experimentation” - must address these 7. Prompt Anticipated Regret - push fear that someone you love will die from the illness, potential guilt of losing a family member, or guilt of getting Long COVID 8. Avoid conveying piecemeal risk info - get bad info out there in one piece, instead of an ongoing trickle of information 9. Promote compromise options - coffee shops use three serving sizes because consumer research shows it helps people make decisions - make vaccination a three option choice to avoid depicting jabs as the most extreme of two. 10. Create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - employees can offer incentives like a day off, Universities can offer tickets to sports events or cultural events, tax benefits, insurance rebates, etc. Create “fear of missing out” on perks and benefits. 11. Combat Uniqueness Neglect - many people believe they’re unique, so a once-size-fits-all option to mass vaccinate may not appeal to them - train medical professionals to identify these people, offer them unnecessary modifications to vaccine delivery (create “special treatment” to trick them into vaccination) 12. Neutralize the Case versus Base-Rate Heuristic - people put more weight on anecdotes, especially on vaccine injury - force medical personnel to counter this with their own anecdotal stories (the pregnant woman who died because she didn’t get vaccinated, etc) My Take I wish I had read this literature early on in the pandemic, to realize and understand how truly evil and psychopathic the COVID-19 Propaganda and the Psychological Warfare on the population was. From the brainwashing techniques outlined here, some of my observations: The appeal to “protect the community” was probably the most effective brainwashing technique - mainly to protect family, friends, the community, the healthcare system - they knew that this would pressure many vaccine hesitant to get the shots (especially concern about family members with medical conditions) this worked even better when they attached an emotion to it “The increased observability” was the most effective brainwashing technique to get people to adopt a brand new technology (LNP/mRNA), a technique that was used by Apple and its Ipod - and this was employed via “DIGITAL BADGES” on facebook that we now use to identify vaccine status of the thousands who are dying suddenly from COVID-19 Vaccine injuries. This also involved “PHYSICAL BADGES” which were in the form of vaccine cards that people proudly photographed and displayed on social media Finding a common enemy - went from a “novel Coronavirus” to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and this was tied in with: judging negatively those who refused to be vaccinated, the “free riders” who benefited from the herd immunity created by the vaccinated the unvaccinated once identified as “the common enemy” were punished and sanctioned by being excluded from society the poor treatment of the unvaccinated undoubtedly forced some to get vaccinated to avoid such a fate reputation concerns - doctors and scientists who did not conform to the Propaganda had their reputations smeared and destroyed and were made examples of by mainstream media to keep other doctors scared and sticking to the narrative, even at the cost of their or their own patients’ lives Justin Trudeau created a smear campaign of the unvaccinated, calling them names such as “fringe minority” and claiming that they were racists and misogynists thus “reputation destruction” was a strong brainwashing tool that probably forced some to get vaccinated vaccine scarcity was leveraged as first responders were given “hero” status and were the first ones lined up to get the vaccines as a sign of honor and a reward they were basically held up as examples for the rest of the population to follow REWARDS - ability to travel, go to restaurants, go to stadiums, concerts, participate in physical activities and sports - that, for a time, were only given to the vaccinated as “rewards” for being “good citizens” donuts, burgers & fries, ice cream for kids - predatory behavior $100 incentive or entry into a million dollar lottery PUNISHMENTS - vaccine mandates, employment termination, removal of unemployment benefits, decreased ability to travel, inability to find new employment, etc. Fear of loss of freedoms - this was another major driving factor, people didn’t want to lose the freedom to travel, the freedom to enjoy life (restaurants, concerts, sports, stadiums), the freedom to take care of loved ones this is now being contemplated as one of the key fear tactics in getting people to take COVID-19 boosters again. people will be reminded of lockdowns and the message will be: “you don’t want us to bring lockdowns back, do you? Then get vaccinated” Brainwashing by a trusted doctor - this is currently seen as one of the few plausible avenues to bring the COVID-19 vaccine hesitant back into the fold and get them to start taking mRNA vaccines regularly again. There will be huge pressure on doctors to get COVID-19 vaccine uptake up to 85% again this will be tied to regular doctor visits, physicals, annual doctor visits, etc. In the next part I will closely examine the DIGITAL BADGES that were used as propaganda to convince and pressure others into getting COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated. Subscribe to Dr. Makis' Substack
- “They’re not buying it anymore. Time to pivot to war.”
https://www.theblaze.com/news/covid-updated-vaccine-pfizer-sales Only 2% of Americans have gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The updated COVID vaccine created to provide more protection against current coronavirus variants circulating was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Sept. 11, 2023. "The approval of Comirnaty (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (2023-2024 Formula) was granted to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH. The EUA amendment for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) was issued to Pfizer Inc," the FDA stated. "The approval of Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) (2023-2024 Formula) was granted to ModernaTX Inc. and the EUA amendment for the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) was issued to ModernaTX Inc." The next day, the CDC recommended that every U.S. citizen over the age of six months get the updated COVID vaccine manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. President Joe Biden added the same day, "I encourage all Americans to stay up-to-date on their vaccines." The CDC urged, "If you have not received a COVID-19 vaccine in the past 2 months, get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect yourself this fall and winter." Despite the push by the government to get the new shots in the arms of Americans, just about 2% of U.S. citizens have opted to get the new booster vaccine. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed that 7 million Americans received the latest updated COVID vaccine – roughly 2% of the United States population. CNN reported, "In comparison, when last year’s bivalent COVID-19 booster was available, more than 18 million people had received a dose by October 12, 2022, about six weeks after the CDC signed off on it, according to CDC data. By May, about 56.5 million people had received that booster, representing about 17% of the U.S. population." The vaccination rates for the booster shots are severely lagging compared to previous iterations of the mRNA vaccine aimed at targeting COVID. According to CDC data, over 92% of U.S. adults received the first COVID vaccine that rolled out in December 2020. Those who got the second mRNA vaccine dropped to 79%, and a mere 20% of Americans received the bivalent COVID booster. An HHS spokesperson said, "COVID-19 vaccine distribution, which has shifted to the private market, is a lot different than it was last year when the government was distributing them. The Biden-Harris Administration, through HHS, has been working directly with manufacturers and distributors to ensure that the vaccines are getting to pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, pediatricians, and other vaccination sites, including long-term care facilities." Despite the switch to private distribution, the HHS boasted that pharmacies and other locations have already received nearly 14 million vaccines, and that "91% of Americans 12 years and older can access the vaccine within 5 miles of where they live." Most Americans can receive a free COVID-19 vaccine through health insurance, local health centers, and pharmacies participating in the CDC's Bridge Access Program. On Friday, Pfizer announced that the pharmaceutical behemoth would have to cut $3.5 billion in costs due to rapidly deteriorating profits from COVID-19 products. "Pfizer also announced that it now anticipates full-year 2023 revenues to be in the range of $58.0 to $61.0 billion, versus its previous guidance range of $67.0 to $70.0 billion solely due to its COVID products," the statement read. "Full-year 2023 revenues for Paxlovid and Comirnaty are expected to be approximately $12.5 billion, a decline of $9.0 billion versus original expectations." Pfizer revealed that has already launched a "multi-year, enterprise-wide cost realignment program that will realign its costs with its longer-term revenue expectations." Pfizer said the cost-cutting measures will save the pharmaceutical company at least $3.5 billion – $1 billion in 2023 and $2.5 billion in 2024.