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Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu ahead of the vote on WHO’s pandemic plans Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about a potential bird flu pandemic.  At the same time, the World Health Organisation is preparing for a vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations and a Pandemic Accord. Given the opportunity, such as a bird flu pandemic, what sort of extreme measures would WHO decide to institute? Please note: WHO was due to present two new texts for adoption at the 77th World Health Assembly being held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 May to 1 June 2024.  One is the amendments to the  International Health Regulations  (2005) (“IHR”); and, the other is the  Pandemic Accord , which has also been referred to as the  Pandemic Treaty ,  Pandemic Agreement  and  WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”).  Both instruments are designed to do the same thing; WHO only requires one to be adopted to achieve their aims.   At the close of the third instalment of INB9 on Friday, it seems that due to a failure to agree on the text of the proposed Pandemic Accord , attention has shifted to “the way forward.” The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time By Michael Snyder , 22 May 2024 Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 (bird flu or avian influenza) pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.  The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organisation far more authority than it had during the last pandemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis.  As you will see below, two more human cases of the bird flu have just been confirmed.  If the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear, and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic.  In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the World Health Organisation decide to institute? In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalise the global pandemic treaty.  The following comes directly from the official WHO website: Governments of the world today agreed to continue working on a proposed pandemic agreement, and to further refine the draft, ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly that starts 27 May 2024. Governments meeting at the World Health Organisation headquarters in Geneva agreed to resume hybrid and in-person discussions over coming weeks to advance work on critical issues, including around a proposed new global system for pathogen access and benefits sharing (i.e. life-saving vaccines, treatments and diagnostics); pandemic prevention and One Health; and the financial coordination needed to scale up countries’ capacities to prepare for and respond to pandemics. Governments agree to continue their steady progress on proposed pandemic agreement ahead of the World Health Assembly , WHO, 10 May 2024 Here in the United States, the corporate media has been strangely quiet about this treaty, but it is a really big deal. Negotiations have been taking place  for the last two years , and the plan is to submit the final draft for a vote at the World Health Assembly at the end of this month: The Member State-led Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) was established over two years ago to take this effort forward. The Bureau of the INB, which is guiding the process, will submit its outcome for consideration at the World Health Assembly. INB Bureau Co-Chair Dr Precious Matsoso, from South Africa, said progress had been made during this latest round of discussions on a wide range of issues contained in the draft agreement.“ We are witnessing history play out before our eyes during this process, with the coming together of all countries to decide a binding pact to protect all citizens of the world,” said Ms Matsoso. “This is not a simple exercise. This is the first ever process to develop a proposed agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Getting this done means getting it right, and the INB Bureau is committed to help finalise a meaningful, lasting agreement. Governments agree to continue their steady progress on proposed pandemic agreement ahead of the World Health Assembly , WHO, 10 May 2024 [Update: Since Snyder’s article was published, a press statement has been released regarding the failure of the INB9 to reach an agreement.  You can read WHO’s latest press release HERE .  However, Snyder’s points are still relevant as the IHR amendments are designed to achieve the same as the Pandemic Accord or Treaty and will be presented for adoption at the World Health Assembly whose meeting begins tomorrow.] The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May 27 to 1 June. Member nations will cast their votes on the final draft of the global pandemic treaty, and it is fully expected to pass. We have been told that the global pandemic treaty has been “watered down,” but in reality, all that has really changed is that some language in the treaty has been made more vague. If this treaty passes, when the next pandemic erupts the WHO will be running the show, and most people in the general population do not realise this. And the next pandemic may be a lot closer than most of us think. On Wednesday, the CDC announced that there has been another confirmed human case of the bird flu in the United States: The US has documented the second case of bird flu in 2024, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday. Health officials identified the avian influenza case in a Michigan dairy farm worker. This is the second time a case has developed in a person working with dairy cows. The virus appears to have developed under similar circumstances as it did earlier this year for a farm worker at a dairy in Texas. A nasal swab for the infected person tested negative for influenza, however, an eye swab from the patient tested positive for bird flu, indicating an eye infection, the CDC said in a news release. CDC: Second human infected with bird flu linked to U.S. dairy cows , USA Today, 22 May 2024 So far, the two people in the US who have been infected in 2024 have both been dairy workers. There may be many more dairy workers who have been infected but at this stage, a lot of those who work in the industry  are very reluctant to get tested : Farmers have been reluctant to allow federal health officials onto their land to test potentially infected cattle amid uncertainty about how their businesses would be impacted. Farmworkers have also been reluctant to participate in screening, and experts said it’s likely due to a mix of fears over job loss, immigration status, language barriers and general distrust in public health systems. Second case of bird flu in humans confirmed in a Michigan farmer , The Hill. 22 May 2024 Meanwhile, we just learned that H5N1 is responsible for the deaths of four more cats: Four more cats have died of H5N1 bird flu in the United States, including two pets in South Dakota with no links to poultry or dairy cows, according to state and federal officials. At least 14 cats have recently died of bird flu. Of the newly reported cases, two were domestic cats which died at a property in Campbell County in South Dakota, according to a state official and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Beth Thompson, the state’s veterinarian, said there was no livestock on the property where the pets died. “No other details regarding how the cats were infected are known at this time,” Thompson told BNO News . 4 more cats die of H5N1 bird flu in the US , BNO News, 21 May 2024 This is not good. If cats start getting sick and dying on a widespread basis, it is probably just a matter of time before the same thing starts happening among humans. We don’t know all of the details about these latest cat deaths, but it was being reported that cats that previously died from H5N1 in Texas experienced  “brain haemorrhaging”  and  “blindness” . Does H5N1 have the potential to do that same sort of damage to humans? We need an answer to that question because more human cases are popping up all the time. In fact, there has now been a confirmed human case  in Australia : A child has been confirmed as the first case of H5N1 bird flu in Australia. The child contracted the avian influenza A infection while in India and fell ill in March this year, according to Victorian health officials. The announcement came hours after bird flu was detected on a farm in Victoria. Child confirmed as first case of H5N1 bird flu in Australia , , 22 may 2024 Since 2003, more than 50 per cent of the humans that have tested positive for H5N1 have died. Can you imagine the fear that will erupt if millions of people suddenly get infected? Global pestilences will play a major role in  the era of great chaos that is coming . Just think about the panic that we witnessed during 2020, 2021 and 2022. If the next pandemic has a far higher death rate, the panic that we will see will be so much worse, and that is really bad news for all of us. [Note from The Exposé: Don’t get caught up in the fear porn being promoted by corporate media.  In addition to being a poor attempt at manipulating public perceptions that WHO’s pandemic plans are necessary to “keep us safe,” corporate media’s fear porn is a wash, rinse and repeat of the same manoeuvres we have been subjected to with covid.  To help keep things in perspective, please read our article ‘ Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it ’ and ‘ Bird flu in 2005 was used to begin the biggest power grab in history – now it’s back ’ and others .] About the Author Michael Snyder is an author, researcher and blogger who has written extensively on various topics related to chaos, prophecy, and the end times. He has written several books, including his latest titled ‘ Chaos ‘, and has published thousands of articles on  The Economic Collapse Blog ,  End Of The American Dream  and  The Most Important News . He also publishes articles on a Substack page whic h you can subscribe to and follow HERE .

Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu ahead of the vote on WHO’s pandemic plans
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